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28 thoughts on “ℂ???????? https://www.patreon.com/kronniekray the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I would ask for details on how everything is split because that's a lot of money. I'm stingy and I want to know where my money is going

  2. You need to be honest with her- I'm not interested in moving – I'd rather live! in my current city than any of the 15 cities she might go to. My job is here, my friends are here, its close to my family, etc. I have a life built here that I'm really happy with.

    Just don't lead her on making her think you might move with her.

  3. I wrote the essential but the idea would be now we're both Jewish let's be Jewish for real. All from family and peer pressure.

    In your case the first deal-breaker is the dick thing. If you are considering going with it for her you also need to ascertain the rest : how Jewish is she going to be? Will you be able to keep your own religion even if on the down low?

    Mariage is hot, harder when you also marry the family but marrying the religion as well can make it a living hell.

  4. A lifestyle aspect would be him wanting a partner who wants to hike or run with him, not wanting a partner who looks a particular way.

  5. Yes! But I think that is because he doesn't care that much about the health aspect. He wants someone with whom he can talk about fitness.

  6. I see what you mean and you're right! I wouldn't mind if we were just friends if things didn't change much (seeing each other often etc). And yeah, each time there is someone else it just feels like I don't exist anymore, like I'm not that important and that hurts. It hurts even more to see that I'm the only one that seems to value our relationship. This situation happened several times in the past with regular friends though. They would just start to pull away, the friendship would die and I would be the only one bothered by it. Maybe I get too attached to people, I don't know

  7. I don't think you or her necessarily did anything wrong.

    I think she talked about it with her friend and then her friend told her that she needs to be more assertive and tell you when she's uncomfortable or anxious. Your ex didn't have the guts to do it herself, so the friend felt the need to step in and speak on her behalf. At least that how I think things happened between them. Maybe the friend wanted to sabotage your relationship, or maybe she really was just trying to help, who knows.

    I do find it odd that she needs someone to ask her every time they want to kiss her. Sounds to me like she has some hang ups she needs to work through and it doesn't have anything to do with you. She has a right to her boundaries, but you also don't have to be in a relationship with her if you feel like she's asking too much of you.

    In the end, it probably was for the best to break things off with her, she needs to sort out her insecurities, and you can move on and find someone else to share your life with.

  8. So I'm a woman who would be fuming if some random straight fella grabbed my boobs, but probably wouldn't care if my gay male friends did. I'd have to see what my partner thought and base my actions on that because I'm fine either way but if it upset him, I'd put a stop to it. It isn't like me or my friend would be losing anything by stopping and my partner would feel better.

    Make sure you phrase it like, “I felt uncomfortable when this happened. I know he's gay but I still didn't like how it made me feel. Are we okay to talk about it?” because she might have just assumed it wasn't a big deal with it being impossible they'd end up together ever.

  9. Too bad you didn't get the first comment as soon as this one popped in to the feed. You'd be in the thousands of upvotes

  10. You are grieving the loss of the relationship. There is a reason it ended. It's ok, this too shall pass.

  11. Then get an “8.5 ass” (whatever an “8.5” is). If you want your ass tighter, start doing squats everyday. I touched a guy before whose ass was like steel, because he did squats every day.

  12. Tell your boss that his comments to you and other women are inappropriate in this day and age. That a good work relationship means respectful distance. And talk with you colleagues as well that they are on your side on this. When you talk with him, just state that you feel the need to tell him this as it is something that he has to learn in life for his job. That there are some situations where he would be reprimanded for this. You are older than he is, and was once his teacher, but that mantel back on for this conversation.

  13. She just jealous lol , I've seen this happen before, my sister was into a guy and he always rejected her maintained he just wanted a friendship and then when she was no longer available and met someone, he all of a sudden had feelings and wanted something.

    She doesn't want him but doesn't want anyone else to have him, she loved the ego boost of someone chasing her.

    Honestly I'd text her:

    I honestly surprised by your behaviour, and have decided that for the foreseeable future, I will have no contact unless it's to be civil at family get together, me and josh are together that's sometimes you have to get over.

    He is not a toy you can pick up and play with when you decide. You rejected him many times when he was interested, and now we are happy you all of a sudden want him?? You are honestly pathetic, and the fact you went to my boyfriend and told him expecting him to drop me for you, shows me who you are, I wish you a happy life but I will no longer be in it.

    Also have bf block her, she will problem harass him

  14. You know what would be a worse nightmare? if he became very jealous and controlling now that he had you trapped.

  15. No, it is not.

    He knew EXACTLY, what he was doing.

    He used you. And his dating ap notifications showed that he doesn't give a dam about you. Or how you feel.

    Be off. Block him. Really do.

  16. :- my boyfriend wants sex atleast once a week he says. we’re very sexually active, he refuses to wear a condom which i understand from his pov.:

    You understand? Honey, no, heeds to wear a condom.

    :- he doesn’t want to go to places in our home town together incase people see us because we’re “not married” however he doesn’t mind having sex even though we’re “not married” this doesn’t make sense to me at all.:

    This really sounds like you are literally a glorified sex tool to him.

    :- the days where i don’t want sex and say no we still have sex. he always makes it about his needs and i feel like he doesn’t consider what i want.:

    Rape. Honey, that’s rape. He coerces you into sex by making you feel guilty.

    All in all, RUN for the HILLS. Please.

  17. Are you sure there was a friend? Two spare rooms is just handy but what an imposition on this friend! A perfect stranger! What if they stayed at a motel? Was the room visible on FaceTime? If he understood how uncomfortable you were why did he go ahead and do it? He could have made his own arrangements.

  18. If he wants to hug me I guess I can try to change it into the awkward side hug so he can't kiss me anymore

  19. You know what they say about 10 people sitting at the dinner table with a Nazi? That it’s 11 Nazis having dinner.

    Your boyfriend is a racist.

  20. You're 21. Now is the perfect time to leave and find someone who understands that a relationship is a partnership


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