❤ Beatrice the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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❤ Beatrice, 19 y.o.


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❤ Beatrice live sex chat

34 thoughts on “❤ Beatrice the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. If you deeply feel like it would be too much to unpack to go – don’t go. I’m sure she’ll understand. You can still be a friend while not having to be at every single moment for her.

    I’m guessing her mindset in not bringing up that she’s dating again was to spare your feelings. Sometimes talking about those things ends up opening old wounds. Don’t take it too personally.

  2. This is damn near exactly how my situation as a kid played out. I had a pretty traumatic childhood due to my stepmother hating my guts. When she was just dating my father my stepmother was a sweetheart, both my sister and I were excited about having her in our family. Within 90 days of my father and her getting married she changed. Every tiny little thing we did would set her off and she'd come down really very hot on us. There were things we weren't allowed to talk about and she'd invent new things as time went on. When it was our weekend to be with dad my sister and I would do our best to be invisible because we knew if she saw us she'd invent some new cruelty to inflict on us.

    The big red flag here is that your new wife says nasty things about your son. That was the beginning of it all for us. I left home at 17 and it's been 30 years and I still am not comfortable around my father. I feel bad because he tries really hard to be close with me but I still harbor resentment that he didn't protect me when I was a kid.

    your wife is asking you to choose between her and your kid. Choose your kid.

  3. let things cool off a bit more and then explain to him how hurtful that was to you. How he cant see how stupid that was to say, especially since he still hangs out with her. Most wouldnt put up with that to begin with, but then toss that comment in and hes asking for trouble. Im a guy and I think he couldnt have said a much worse comment than that to you. Guys are stupid sometimes. But considering he still is friends with his ex fiancee makes it tougher to swallow.

  4. If the roles were reversed I would have heard the end of it. It’s disrespectful to the relationship. Why put yourself in a situation where you know the guy is hitting on you but you continue the conversation. While your husband watches. I walked away to not cause any issues I planned on having a conversation about how I felt

  5. Why don’t you just ask him to stop bringing women up in conversation with you until you get a handle on things?

  6. I think you’re thinking about this pretty clearly. Sounds like it’s less about money and more about the hassle of moving.

    Moving is a big hassle.

    But compared to having and raising kids, moving is extremely minor.

  7. Hello /u/sofiaa__a,

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  8. Nah you never get over it completely, you can choose to ignore it but it will always come up in arguments and then you’re seen as in the wrong for dredging up old shit.

  9. He might be telling the truth to his friend and is leading you on. He might be embarrassed to love you – is he insecure about you being older than him? He might have said he doesn't love you to appease his friend.

    Each and every scenario is disrespectful to you and your relationship.

  10. Trust your instincts. The most abusive bf I had used to lie constantly about the most inane, pointless bs. I couldn’t understand why and he wouldn’t explain it to me. The worst was tho that he would deny his lies like his life depended on it unless I caught him in a whopper that he couldn’t talk his way out of. This kind of behavior is maniacal and it really starts to take a toll and makes you start to question yourself. If he keeps it up, just drop him. It’s not worth it.

  11. Has she stated any reason as to why she doesn't initiate more? Was she into doing it a lot more at the beginning and has it dropped significantly? how long have you been together? Do you live! together? Are there other outside stresses outside of your relationship? Lots of reasons could be into why someone has a lower sex drive and doesn't initiate so I think more information would be helpful. Otherwise, if this is something she has no desire to change at all, then you might start to resent the relationship and it will start to go downhill. Is she perfect content right as things are, like if you never had sex, she would be ok with that? (obviously you wouldn't) but again, just more information would be good.

  12. Poly relationships are not different to monogamous relationships except the number of people.

    Yes, your relationship is poly despite you being monogamous.

    One of if not THE most inportant foundation of a relationship is respecting boundries, and your fiance does not give a FUCK about your boundries in any sense of the word.

    You had very simple rules – she consistently breaks them, and GAS LIGHTS you to make you think you're in the wrong.

    Then she gets mad at you for questioning her very wishy-washy boundaries.

    She then demands you give up things you want – but then gives up nothing herself? You try to talk about how “great” she is. But she just sounds selfish & abusive.

    You're torturing yourself despite the fact that YOU KNOW it's not healthy. You know she doesn't fully love you because you're the “safe option, ” not the desired option.

    She'll do anal with guy#2 and use toys with guy#3 and PDA with all 3, but won't with you because she's not “comfortable” ? Then why in gods name is she marrying you? Im sorry, but I'm fairly certain being able to do anal/use sex toys, hell even just PDA are like leagues before marriage in the “comfortablity” zone (anal is debatable for numerous reasons)

    And I guarantee the reason she gets jealous and aggressive about other women is 100% controlling and abusive. Additionally its because she knows the second youre with someone else you'll see how shitty it is with her.


    Doesnt matter if she was nice with you during covid. Shes abusive, controlling, and selfish = not a good partner in any sense of the word

  13. Op, I'm team Sarah.

    Theresa has ulterior motives and none of them are to be your friend. She intentionally trying to sabotage your relationship by badmouthing your gf and inviting you on couples trip. And that I'd exactly what you signed up for when you agreed to go btw bc she's pretending amongst friends that yall are a couple. To her, she'll wear you down eventually so pretending to be your friend is a good move to manipulate you to pick her.

    She's not the good friend/person you think she is.

  14. Can you elaborate on mandated reporter laws in OP’s area? Where I live they only apply if a child or vulnerable (disabled, elderly) adult is being harmed.

  15. I know right? I'm dating a creep twice my age with no job, no future, and seemingly no redeeming qualities – Reddit should I make it work?!

  16. I think its great you genuinely dont care about what she looks like but if she personally feels “nasty” and feels like herself the most and sexy when shes shaved, then theres not really much you can do except maybe try to always reassure her that you dont care but stop trying to convince her bc its not something you made her feel and can change in 2 seconds, she feels that way personally and unless she chooses to let you, enjoy the times when shes shaved

  17. And if I walked away he would take that as a form of disrespect and my girlfriend still probably would've said something after him making a comment. The best thing to do in my case was to do what I did, stay for the little 30 second chat and be on my way.

  18. He may not be getting a lot of sex and at least he would have one person that I like that he has sex with

  19. Hahaha it’s not, it’s her that has been using it. It just felt weird when she said her new bf knew about that account.

  20. Meeting friends generally isn’t some big event. Her parents want to meet him under the pretense that they want to be in a relationship.

  21. And God forbid they split up.

    I'm opposed to situations where one adult is totally financially dependent on another.

    I get, extending the period of maternity leave for longer if finances aren't an issue, but with some professions, taking years out impacts your career. All too often, it's women who are affected by this.

  22. Tell her, you think both of you should put distance with other people that clearly are into you. Tell her, you don't think you are comfortable with their “friendhip”, and that your marriage would not survive their trip together.

    In case of argument, ask her, is he so important to be worth sabotaging your marriage over? If yes, this only the more reason to make their “friendship” a deal breaker.

  23. I’ve been through something similar in my childhood, obviously without the romantic relationship part. People that act like this aren’t worth your time or company. It’s a tough way to learn about your soon to be ex-boyfriend, but if he can’t stand by you when you’re most vulnerable (1/2 naked), your relationship with him won’t be going very far.

    Separate side topic: this is bullying and harassment. Don’t even feel bad for a second for not wanting to see these people ever again.

  24. She's trying to find a way to get attention from you again. You are correct in that you should not do it. Ignore these idiots trying to encourage or enable her.

    If these people respected you, they'd leave you the hell alone. It's beyond strange that they are trying to push it on you.

  25. we have discussed it, he always says “I don’t know when she’s moving out” or “i’m not kicking her out” I never know how to respond, I usually say things along the lines of I understand and I know, but the conversation usually ends after that.


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