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23 thoughts on “?????? ??? ??? https://fansly.com/LinaUki/ the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I did tell him. I commented about it in one of the comments Idk I was curious and there are no secrets between us, also the gift wasn’t sealed. I do feel so bad because it might be for me and now I know what it is

  2. Honestly man, I'd leave, you may love her and that sucks, but you are already showing signs of dissatisfaction and whether you know it or not, resentment. If you two do have sex, it'll go on for a bit, and it'll be good but I assure you there is like an 85 percent chance it'll degrade into a sexless marriage, back to square one but now with a legal tie to the situation. You are still very young, you have a long life ahead of you on a planet with many other women, so find one who will be compatible with you, because I promise, this isn't it.

  3. I have three passports. I'm a full legal citizen of all three countries. It means everything from the simple convenience of going through the “citizens” line at the airport, to the possibility of needing assistance in that country and proving my status.

    If you think this is “shady,” you watch too many movies.

  4. Dude I’m literally in college which is why I said they’re obviously JOKING. But yeah you had to sign up for pre-sale, wait a couple weeks to find out if you qualified, log onto the site 30 minutes early (in which it crashed about 15 times), wait a few hours to then get into the buying part, click on the seats you want (which would be sold out before you got to check out), then most people got an error at check out and had to start over.

    Im Pacific Standard Time so they even delayed the sale and it was still a cluster.

  5. He’s just a horny guy and that’s important to him at this stage of his life. You two obviously want different things, it’s quite simple, you both move on to pastures new.

    No need for all these immature messages about gaslighting and blah blah blah.

  6. Funny how she only let it slip to his peer when she discovered that she wasn’t the only one. Motivated by jealousy and the desire to punish him. Not by any consideration of morality or fidelity.

  7. If you get glam'd up and go out, does he tell you to put on a sweater and sweat pants? I get the uncomfortable knowledge that dudes are checking you out while you're trying to just stay healthy, but that's on them, not you. Take it as a compliment and go about your day. Yep. She's mine and not your's, loser. Flip the bird. Tada.

  8. Despite what others may say, love is not enough. You two have gone through hell and these experiences have the potential to shape a person and make them face who they truly are. Of course, things were wonderful when it was easy. The real test of a human is when it is unbearably nude and neither of you can hide your worst sides.

    I would never encourage someone to say if you feel trapped. I have been there and it will only lead to resentment and strife. At this point, it is highly unlikely to be fixable. It all depends on how bad you want this relationship and it seems like you don't. A relationship is never worth completely destroying your mental health. It sounds like you both need to separate and work on yourselves at the least.

  9. This is not the way an emotionally healthy 27yo woman reacts.

    There's no nice way to say this next part:

    The fact you still want to be with her means you're not alright in the head either.

    If you stay with her this will continue and likely get worse over time. Maybe one day you won't even be able to have a casual conversation with a friendly stranger because of her.

  10. If he wasn’t trying to convert you he wouldn’t be pressuring you to go to paid classes and come to the temple with him.

  11. He is cheating on you currently. I really recommend you think about if you want to stay with a cheater.

  12. I mean those are things that OP could check though and it seems like, according to them, he is booking correctly. And to his credit, I’ve work with hotels in the past and they fuck up a lot more often than you think.

  13. Why did she stop engaging with you? It didn’t happen over night. What does being in a traditional relationship bring context to? Of course she wouldn’t “even” sleep with you, if y’all weren’t speaking.

    Why not get divorced instead of cheating on her? I’m not saying she didn’t contribute to an unstable marriage, but blaming it on being lonely and “only human” is pathetic.

  14. ”I asked him if he wants to marry me he said you know I do.”

    No, actually, you don’t know. What you do know is he continues to “move the goal”, if you will, as he leaves little trail of crumbs keeping your hopes up whilst leading you on.

    OP, anytime the answer is “you know I do”, take that as your sign to run far and fast.

    Someone is out there hoping and praying for a woman like you as they long to start their own family. I truly hope you find that someone!

  15. ”I asked him if he wants to marry me he said you know I do.”

    No, actually, you don’t know. What you do know is he continues to “move the goal”, if you will, as he leaves little trail of crumbs keeping your hopes up whilst leading you on.

    OP, anytime the answer is “you know I do”, take that as your sign to run far and fast.

    Someone is out there hoping and praying for a woman like you as they long to start their own family. I truly hope you find that someone!

  16. ”I asked him if he wants to marry me he said you know I do.”

    No, actually, you don’t know. What you do know is he continues to “move the goal”, if you will, as he leaves little trail of crumbs keeping your hopes up whilst leading you on.

    OP, anytime the answer is “you know I do”, take that as your sign to run far and fast.

    Someone is out there hoping and praying for a woman like you as they long to start their own family. I truly hope you find that someone!


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