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♥Liam♡Milena♥, 21 y.o.


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32 thoughts on “♥Liam♡Milena♥ the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. First off, bro code doesn't exist. It is a term derived from teenage boy locker rooms. Secondly, I can't help who I fall in love with. Thirdly, why would you assume that I was only using my friendship with him to get with his sister? He's been my friend for like 10 years before this dude.

  2. man i don’t wanna talk to her again. i don’t think i can speak to her again without feeling physically disgusted. thanks for the advice though?

  3. Most definitely talk to her and set a firm boundary. Explain that if she can't respect your boundary or if she breaks it in the future then you'll enforce it by breaking up.

  4. My first reaction was that your parents are emotionally abusing you. They literally caused you to spiral into anorexia.

    But it sounds like your mother, at least, is finally paying attention.

    I think what you should look into is if your school's mental health program can get you regular outpatient appointments with a therapist. ED recovery is a long term thing, and you don't have to go through it alone.

    Also, your parents should see a dietician if possible. You might think about one for yourself. Dieticians are certified to treat food related disorders, including EDs.

  5. Yep! But that still isn’t being on birth control.

    I had Cushings (very similar to PCOS) and went through early menopause. I always tell my partner said it’s a possibility that I could get pregnant, even though it’s unlikely.

  6. You are going to resent one another probably sooner then you think. You have to trust one another and let each other love your lives. You are growing into different people, and that’s okay. But it seems obvious imo that y’all aren’t going to end up Together.

  7. It’s horrible because the reason he wants to date you is control. People are saying it’s immature because women his age will not let him control them the way you potentially will. Immature as I’m not capable of a relationship with somebody his own age.

  8. You know r/yesyesyesno? I feel like your comment belongs as a post there, cause it seemed good up until how you defined the word bigot.

    Not going to give you a up or down vote though, as you and I seem to think the same thing, but I'm surprised no one else mentioned that subreddit as a response.

  9. yeah he’s great at communicating and i’ve come a loooong way. this situation could have been handled differently and i could have been more open w my bf

  10. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too, but so far I haven't been able to find anything. I do get a couple of hours for myself frequently, but it just doesn't seem to cut it.

    There's obviously something wrong with me, but I have no idea how to fix it.

  11. Your relationship with your wife is so adorable! Yes we are currently working out on things an agreed to go for couples therapy together. He also agreed on not commenting about other girls like that anymore, I really hope he does take the responsibility and not blame it on just my insecurities though.

  12. It’s even worse because this is the one bad thing I’ve ever done in the relationship.

    You weren't even IN the relationship at the time.

    This guy has got you so strung out you can't see the situation for what it is. Kissing someone when you are single is totally fine.

    Being raped is totally not your fault. Please listen to your psychologist.

  13. If all of this woman’s children were contributing, I would agree. But why is OP’s fiancé the only one that is paying for the mother?

  14. Unlikely. They’ve been together for 9 years and doesn’t send her pictures like this.

    Any rational, sane man that is sending a picture of his dick for the first time in years, would be at least a tiny bit nervous/cautious. He would check, double check, and then triple check to make sure a picture like that was going to the right person.

    I would bet my next 3 paychecks that he sent that picture to her on purpose with the intentions of following it up with the “Omg, sorry ?”

  15. Omg. Those are preferences, not red flags. This is why the term at this point means nothing, because people think “not liking dogs” is a red flag.

  16. He was pleased by her attention and he let everything happened. He should ‘ve refused going to a concert with another woman (it was like he went on a date) and he should’ve cut off all their communications also but now she’s into him and she’ll do whaever she can to et him. Be careful thinking he’ll never cheat on you because the way things progressed slowly like this situation has anything could happen. He could get into an emotional affair also.

    Have a talk with him and put up boundaries like going out together and texting things not related to work. If he starts de call you controling then probably he’s already into her.

  17. I would have never had a kid with a man so immature and cruel as to find people's anger/frustration laughable. He is an immature AH.

  18. A part of me really wants to wait until I come back from my trip to see if he is acting differently towards me. But the thought of being away for 2 weeks wondering what he’s doing would drive me crazy I think. But seeing him admit he fucked up would be gold, I’m not going to lie. But I’m tempted to also play the long con because I hate confronting people and being proved wrong hah.

  19. Do you wanna know why this 34 year old man is with you?

    Because women his age won’t put up with his bullshit.

    Do you truly want to spend your life with a man who is pretty much telling you it will cost you a blowjob to earn his good mood?

    Now, if it were me, I’d tell him, sure! I’ll give you head every day . . . but you have to go down on me beforehand to earn it.

    I bet he’d get mad and tell you some bullshit like, it’s not the same thing. Guys are different, blah, blah, whine, blah.

    Know your worth.


  20. OP,

    He is a father and a grandfather. Look back and see if the amount of time he spent with them was a lot. Is her mother still around and still married to her father? It could be that he was feeling abandoned and just wanted them close to him.

    She clearly chose you because she moved, she also respected you by telling you about what her father said. Please don't make the relationship between father and daughter harder because your upset. You really don't have to like him, but also don't be mean to him also. If you are, this will cause not only problems for your wife, yourself but also your children.

  21. Yeah, get a therapist. Listen I’ve been cheated on before and done dirty but you can’t take that in the next relationship. It’s both for your mental health and so you don’t self sabotage your own relationship

  22. She doesn’t want to understand because then she would have to agree, she’s exhausting. You’re not an emotional support animal.

  23. “but it turned out to be cheaper than i expected so i feel i could just give back money to him and everyone else”

    You should give everyone their money!

  24. Good to hear mate. Take care of yourself and surround yourself with supportive people. You deserve better and this life is way too short to waste it.

  25. There's nothing wrong with accepting a relationship has run it course. You did the right thing by taking ownership of it and ending it and not dragging things out.

    You can still care and have regard for someone even if you realise you don't love them.

    Did I give her a fair chance to help things get better? It was a personality issue for the most part so I didn't want to ask her to change who she is.

    What was going to change, realistically?


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