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20 thoughts on “❤Joanna Jackson❤ https://onlyfans.com/joannajackson. the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. It is highly unlikely that this is what happened. So no, actually, it is not necessarily better to have her out here thinking that this is a good option. But if you ever post something like this, we’ll know that you want all possible options as bluntly as can be.

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  3. Don’t salvage it. To be honest I couldn’t get through most of this post. But there are enough issues in the first few paragraphs the only reasonable things to do is sell the house and cut ties.

  4. Define ‘powered through?’ Some people are saying she forced you to have a child, but I’m guessing even though you’re young you knew her age and if you were going to have two kids she had to start sooner rather than later. That said it sounds like you two at the very least need some couples therapy. I get that it was a trauma for her, especially after caring for the baby all day and then just wanting a break and finding this out. I also feel like she’s probably holding this over your head to martyr herself in a way as a SAHM. Have you taken your child out and about alone since? Was everything fine? Do you now realize you can’t take baby outside after working all day?

    So, therapy, you’re working your ass off, she may also be if she’s alone with a toddler that much and you said first? Has there been a second child? The age dynamic here is also a big issue since you were barely an adult when you got together. You need a neutral third party to walk you through what’s going on.

  5. Whew.

    Just. Wow.

    I’ve seen some crazy relationship and crazy activities from people. Friends and family. This one really takes the cake.

    If anything I’d get a restraining order against the ex friend and his gal.

  6. The whole starting to wear shirts thing is very believable and I wouldn’t question it for a second.

    The explanation she gave for those shirts being unknown are rather odd though. But then realistically what woman in their right mind would wear their side pieces clothes in bed with the husband? What man is coming to hook up with your wife with a spare change of clothes? Her excuse makes no sense but then nor does cheating. Is there a chance they’re a long lost exes and have just been in a drawer or box somewhere?

  7. Do you want to be with someone who yells and cusses at you for not speaking to them how they want? Do you feel like you can tell him that he has to stop controlling you and speaking to you so disrespectfully?

  8. **** “

    she only uses it when she travels.

    Most bullshit ass excuse I've ever heard.

    Tinder is for meeting people you wanna be involved with “ROMANTICALLY” she already has a you friend and that's “you”

    we're dating we didn't merge our identities into one persona, you don't need to know everything, if you don't trust me break up idk what to tell you”.

    You don't need to know everything, true but she don't need tinder either

    She gave you a reason not to trust her. Just break up with zer

    Drop zish bitzch dead in Ze wotah

  9. I guess how I should go about telling her is my main issue. She might get violent, I don't expect her too but I don't know exactly how well she's gonna take this.

  10. I've called animal protection before for a separate case and was told as long as it has food and water and doesn't show obvious signs of abuse there's not much they can do, I'm worried I don't have enough to give them yet

  11. What are the laws in your area? Is she legally considered a tenant even though she’s not on the lease? If so you might have to give her a written eviction notice to be out in a month or whatever. Talk to your landlord about this situation. Maybe they are the one that has to kick them out or will do it for you.

    From now on I’d treat her like a roommate. I’d also let her know that the relationship is over. No matter if things fall apart with her new boyfriend, she still has to get out of your apartment. She doesn’t get to hang around and mooch off you after blowing up your relationship.

  12. So you control him, but don’t like it when he controls you….. You are a hypocrite.

    End the relationship.

  13. Hang on, so he's spent 3 years moulding you into a pretty little object and is shaming you for not wanting to wreck your skin but he will wear the same pants for 3 days, his groin stinks and you can smell his feet??!! There is a good reason noone his age is sleeping with him, he is sexist, stinks and is controlling. He doesn't view you as a human but as something he can manipulate, control and use. To be honest I'd be telling him either he ups his personal hygiene and drops the sexism or you are out, I'm 2 years older than him and I wouldn't have tolerated that level of BS for more than a few weeks

  14. The only thing i didnt like was How fast she got with this guy You would have some kind of respect and take time for yourself. She on the other hand got with the guy, they traveled, made memories met her Danilo and stuff It was just a reboud, but i just think thats fkn crazy


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