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うずまきヒナタ ♥ 50 ♥ 100 ♥ 200 ♥ 350 ♥, 19 y.o.


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29 thoughts on “うずまきヒナタ ♥ 50 ♥ 100 ♥ 200 ♥ 350 ♥ the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. It sounds like you understand why he feels the need to protect himself, I think most in his situation would feel the same way. What do you think he would say is your “financial protection”?

    Why wouldn't the prenup say all assets of his prior to marriage be his, shouldn't there be some consideration of join earning since you're giving up your important time in your career?

    A side thought you could probably still stay engaged doing some pro-bono consulting for non-profits

  2. Get out of there. She is mental. She will get worse. Seriously, running outside screaming you are trying to kill her, when SHE started attacking you, shows she is either irrational or purposely wanted to have you arrested by the police, neither of which is a good thing.

    Alternatively, see if this „sweet and caring“ person is willing to go to therapy and anger management training and actually make progress.

  3. Is she a stay at home? If so, do you take her out? I used to put on makeup and dress up everyday when I worked, but when you stay at home everyday you can get depressed and not feel pretty and not want to dress up. If this is the case, taking her out on occasion can help her feel like herself and make her want to dress up.

  4. This is the real reason he moved away I bet they were sleeping together before she was 18. I’d rethink kids w this guy he sounds like a predator

  5. Work on yourself! Know who you are, know your self worth. What she said doesn't matter! She was probably only projecting, making herself feel good and it was never about you anyway.

    Vampires like her need to put others down in order to feel good about themselves. She's sick and was jealous of you for some reason. Forgive her, don't go down to her level because you are better than her and move on with your life. You should move on 10 years ago…

    Revenge will not do anything for you so why do it? You want to feel like a bully and for some reason it will make you feel good?

    Know who you are! Know your self worth! Focus on yourself and only you can validate who you are!

  6. Wrong again.

    Sorry but in no way shape or form is anyone saying sex workers are not professional. OP is NOT A SEX WORKER. She is a personal trainer, which like sex workers, call centers, nurses, any other career, is a professional career.

    If you tried to pay a nurse to have sex with you when you go to the drs office, that nurse would/should demand you treat her as a professional nurse.

    Nobody said anything about sex worker not being a profession. You inferred the wrong shit from one part of a sentence. ???

  7. ESH. it’s your and your wife’s job to make sure you talk through things thoroughly before starting an open relationship, and you clearly failed to do that. you need to go over all possible issues that could come from it and how to handle it, pregnancy should be a major one. no birth control is 100% effective, there should’ve always been a plan in case she got pregnant. unfortunately, there’s nothing left to do now but end things since you didn’t want kids, you’re simply incompatible now.

  8. Not couples therapy at first. OP needs to go to individual therapy to work thru what HE wants and what he needs to see from her, or himself, going forward. There's a lot he needs to process and make a decision on that is completely separate from his girlfriend.

    Then, and only if he wants to continue the relationship, should he choose couples therapy. I say this because he needs to go into therapy with his own conflict resolved because it's almost a guarantee something else will show in couples therapy. 6 years to hold one lie doesn't mean there aren't more she's hidden.

  9. Sometimes people are selfish. It sucks when those people are your family. I wouldn’t do anything about it though

  10. It seems, as you said, you're the reason a lot of the fights happen? Have you tried telling him in a calm voice, what you want from him in certain situations, because he is young and not a mind reader. It's all about calm communication and teaching eachother about your needs

  11. She has argued in comments that it was legal where she lives and therefore perfectly okay. I don't need to be gentle about it because that is ridiculous. Not her fault, but ridiculous nonetheless.

  12. Well, I would definitely take screenshots of the tweet replies. It’s always better when you have solid proof. Any chance you can get more proof from the people you heard the rumor from? Curious how those people found out? The same tweets, maybe? (Pretty ballsy to flirt/cheat so publicly I must say). Then I would ask him to either come hang out at your house or maybe take him to a bar where you guys could have some privacy. And just let him know about the rumors and then show him the tweets. That’s about all you can do. And from there, the ball is in his court. You’re a good friend.

  13. Thank you. I think I really just needed reassurance that I’m not being unreasonable. I feel like if he was honest about what happened he wouldn’t be treating me like I’m the one in the wrong for not believing him. He would understand how it looks and try his best to assure me that nothing is going on.

  14. Not wanting your face near genitalia is within normal bounds, yes.

    Nobody should have to do any sort of sex they don’t like or don’t want to. Period.

    Don’t tease the guy. If this is a deal breaker move on, if it’s not then accept his preferences. If you put a role reversal on this, everyone would be all over the guy’s case for being demanding about bjs…

  15. You're still a shitty person, playing two guys because you're thinking with your snatch and refusing to show any decency.

    You're not being accountable. Being accountable would be telling both guys you're a disloyal cheater and letting them decide, with all the facts, whether they want anything to do with you.

    Your insistence that you're somehow not responsible for your actions is pathetic. If your impulse control is so poor that you think you can't be held responsible for your actions, you need therapy and to stay away from people you might hurt until you've been stabilised.

  16. When is been dating my ex husband for three months, I almost broke up with him because he was two hours late picking me up for a party I wanted to go to very badly. I wish I would have. It was a sign of things to come. He has been

  17. “seeing” and “hooking up with” are not the same.

    I think you're uncomfortable with a situation because while she didn't owe you any information you think she should have given it on your timetable. You seem to have fell in love with her much faster than she may have with you (re: those memories are tainted now).

    But you seem to know that because you waited to ask her to become exclusive. When you asked to become exclusive, you became exclusive. She didn't lie to you.


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