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????????, 21 y.o.


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28 thoughts on “???????? the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Last time i've heard a story like that the girl was beaten and detained for a few days. It was the exact same story. DONT GO.

  2. But she basically is accusing him of cheating. Like going hey there use to be 20 condoms in here nows there's 13 where did they go? Like it's pretty easy to insinuate what she'd be trying to get at.

  3. I'm honestly sorry about that. Like I said, you're doing the right thing letting him decide, but preparing yourself for the possibility that this trip is more important. I understand him wanting to go (it is Amsterdam after all), but knowing my SOs boundaries and knowing that this is inappropriate, I wouldn't go if you couldn't go.

  4. Its entirely up to you and whatever point you feel is a good time to move on and see someone else. Its not like you were married for decades.

    There is no mourning period for a relationship, its whenever a person feels ready.

    Clearly, you're emotionally in a good place, flirt as you see fit.

  5. Keep the damn shoes, they're rightfully yours and your boyfriend's tantrum isn't your problem. While your boyfriend has every right to be uncomfortable, this is between him and his brother, and it's up to them to sort it out. He's being childish and completely unreasonable towards you, and I would let him continue not speaking to you.

  6. I really don't see it as big deal. Finding other people attractive who aren't your partner is pretty normal. If he ends up contacting one of these women and doing an affair or attempts to start an affair, that is a whole other issue.

  7. If you still want contact and some connection with your ex as if that would indicate you are worth her time to talk to, then you have an ego problem. You need her approval in some way to feel good about yourself when in fact, you need to find ways to feel good about yourself regardless of how others feel about you. Or you will always be dependent on others for your self esteem.

  8. Most women at that age do not want a man who is substantially younger than them. The life experience and maturity of a 22 year old man and 30 something year old woman are vastly different (usually). I think many women that age would go for a guy maybe a couple of years younger, but not almost a decade. Once you get a little older this may become less of a problem. I am in my mid 30s and dating a woman who is 6 years older. BUT we are both mature, established, click etc… that's vastly different if say i was in my early 20s and her in her early 30s.

  9. I don't think it's unreasonable. If he invited me over and did that I'd never ever go back so I don't think it's a crazy thing for you to not like it. That shit would drive me mad. It is very very childish

  10. But Summer never really considered it a serious relationship in a way Tom did. For her, it wasn't the love her life, the actual relationship part lasted less than a year. Tbh, for me it looked like for Summer was 'a thing with her coworker for a while' then she moved on. For Tom, it meant something entirely different.

    I'm pretty sure two people being in a relationship for a decade is not comparable.

  11. I would just make sure when you hang out with him your bf is in the room at the same time. Can’t punish the guy for thoughts either.

  12. At best it’s vanity, at medium it’s attention seeking, at worst it’s auditioning.

    Posting the occasional picture on a night out, or what you’re dressed up is one thing, that’s fun. Every single day just to show people you “look good” is a bit much…..especially at 29. That’s getting to the age where people usually want to start settling down and if a girl was doing that while I was seeing her….meh…..that whole thing is gonna read like it’s going to be too much effort.

    However….if the pictures posted are flooded with primarily men fawning over them…..fuck that. I’m not even a jealous guy, and I would read that as her seeking attention from men and assume my time was limited to just whenever she found a better option.

  13. Nah. I wouldn't be in this relationship. You should do what's best for you long term. I'm guessing the honeymoon horniness is starting to fade for him (as it does for most people) and he's now nitpicking why. But I find it ridiculous that he would date you and be attracted enough to you for sex and then switch it up later and that wouldn't sit right with me. As for your body you should always strive for a healthy life (mentally and physically). Being happy is an important part of being healthy. Do what's necessary for that.

  14. So he gaslit you because he’s lazy? Pretty sure he deflected being a crappy boyfriend…. Do not go back to that!

  15. Same. The problem is as single mothers they are so used to putting aside their own needs for their children that they expect you to do it too. Obviously just by the nature of the relationship you are going to put some aside. But you don't have to put everything aside like she does because you're not the one with kids (remember we're talking just about dating here, not marriage). Thats a tough pill for a lot of single parents to swallow.

  16. You owe the kid and the potential fathers the truth! This is not a “I keep that a secret” type of matter. This is life defining and…yeah, you screwed up, but this is reality now and you have to deal with it. Clear up this mess with a DNA test.

  17. Yeah I’m not gonna get myself hurt and have insults thrown at me willingly to try to convince the opinion of a dick. It’s not my obligation to debase myself so that someone thinks I’m one of the good ones

  18. What do you do.

    You break up with her.

    Tell her that wether or not she was cheating on you is irrelevant, it looked like she was, and she had shown less interest in your relationship since meeting him.

    And you don’t need to prove anything, just end the relationship.

  19. You're making assumptions dear 😉 oversharing and trauma dumping (which is what you're assuming) is very different than to talk to friends and family about how you'd want to change your life and move since you're currently unhappy.

  20. It's not about getting rewarded. You're supposed to be assuming a fair share of the domestic duties as a bare minimum of adult productivity.

    What happens when you aren't pulling your weight is your partner gets tired. Physically and psychologically tired. Too tired to put out.

    So reevaluate your contribution on this front. Consider how much you do at home and how much she does at home. Think about what your day looks like, and how much of that makes her day a little harder than it has to be.

  21. That doesn't change the fact that the expectations for him are higher than they are for her. That's just how it works.

  22. This relationship isn't working out for me. That is all that you have to say. It does not need to turn into a blame game or anything close to that and it certainly does not need to be a negotiation.

    It isn't working out for me.


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