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22 thoughts on “????????/?????_????_?? the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Something along those lines: “I know that you want me close, but you don't have a place in my life. Move on with your life, don't waste your time, and don't waste your love.”

  2. I would break up with him. My last relationship lasted for two years, during which I gifted him for Christmas and his birthday, and never received anything, while I took him to restaurants and excursions.

  3. I knew I had a problem and I googled it many years ago. I have definitely gotten frustrated with partners though, when they tell me to โ€œjust stopโ€. Itโ€™s a compulsion, I donโ€™t really get to choose if I do it or not. The most effective a partner has ever been in talking about it was them saying โ€œI hate seeing you hurt yourselfโ€.

  4. I'd hold off on this conversation until another day. For now just acknowledge your wrong doing and apologize.

    Legal or not, it was very disrespectful to smoke when you're staying at her home, and you know she doesn't tolerate it.

    Try thinking about it like tou were smoking methods in your car and going into your BF parents home right after. I know it's not the same thing, but to her it is.

  5. I feel equally are to blame, I do feel sorry for the BF who live with them and I know exactly what it's like to live with a hoarder

    When i mean man up I don't actually mean to man up as a gender statement

    Just that he seems to taken the long approach in breaking up with her but again I don't blame him having second thoughts about being with OP as on paper they are not compatible

  6. Yes, youโ€™re making the correct choice. You need space not only for financial and practical reasons, but also because getting him out of your place will allow you to properly reevaluate your relationship. From a complete outsiderโ€™s perspective it seems like your boyfriend is dead weight and youโ€™d be better off on your own.

  7. Don't beat yourself up, this was just two grieving people that had drunken sex. Youre still processing your wife's death and her sister bears some similarities to her, in your drunken state its not hard to see why it happened. Just draw a line under it and move on.

  8. I feel like she may know since he's forgotten to switch out of my account in the group chat and messaged. I feel like it's come up that this is the case since it makes coordinating with the group harder, but I can't say for sure if if she does.

  9. Never said that she should not drink with her male friends.

    Going to a friends place alone and getting drunk to a point where she only noticed that he was “escalating” when he tried to kiss her, was still not a good idea

  10. I can understand a fear of rejection. I have some stuff about my physiology that I would disclose before having sex but would be terrified to mention on a first date or the like.

  11. Whatever you decide, DON'T CHEAT. Be a better person. If you wanna be with your best friend break up with your girlfriend first, and if you love her wait a few weeks before asking out your best friend. The fact that you're not referring to your girlfriend as your best friend says a lot. You need to reevaluate. You're young and she doesn't sound like a life partner if that's what you're looking for.

  12. If it's true then she's either cheating or is on her way to cheat. If OP only plays 3 hours per week then it seems that she is trying to set up a ground in case the cheating is exposed, she can then say you played FIFA and I cheated, so we are equal.

  13. He sounds depressed tel him he needs therapy to heal mentally so he can get over this mental road block or youโ€™re going to leave. His behavior doesnโ€™t seem malicious BUT itโ€™s neglect itโ€™s five and take heโ€™s not producing any real tangible results.

  14. I wouldn't say it was a “decision” to lie exactly, but you're not wrong. I'm really ashamed that I lied and while I do have reasons for it (based on past behaviour) that doesn't make it anywhere near ok.

  15. If the person you're supposed to be closest too, acts like a flaky friend towards you, you're better off single.

    You two haven't “sorted out” anything, you've just survived it so far. Stop surviving: find someone who treats you better than a tool.

  16. So here's the thing. It doesnt matter how other ppl think about it. It matters what u think & want to put up with.

  17. Do you really expect him to ditch someone heโ€™s been friends with for years for some chick heโ€™s dated a month?

    Seems to me youโ€™d be fine with her if she had a boyfriend but since she doesnโ€™t, you view her as competition.

    If he wanted to date her, heโ€™d be dating her not you. Regardless of their history, heโ€™s not dating her, heโ€™s dating you.

    By all means, bring it up so he knows what heโ€™s dealing with. Just be prepared that if he has any integrity or loyalty, heโ€™ll dump you not his friend.


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