??????? ???? the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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26 thoughts on “??????? ???? the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Would it be too personal to ask which country this was in? It's unheard of here in America for you to be prescribed any pain medication for an IUD insertion – just advised to take some ibuprofen beforehand.

  2. Maybe not the most diplomatic way to say it, but at the same time, it's the truth. Those are her options, she either stays with her loving partner who does not want more kids or she leaves and try to find a father for her future child. The question is, why is she so intent on having a child with someone who does not want one? Like most shared experiences, enthusiasm from both party is generally what makes them good, no? A bit like sex, if one of the partner is lukewarm or plainly not into it, how can the other partner even want that?

  3. Why on earth would you get back together. Have you decided that you most definitely don't want kids?

  4. I didn’t think about vulnerability! Thank you! Mannnn, I was really hoping we’d all just become a chill friend group. I’ll tread lightly now though.

  5. Okay well, you can do both?

    It sounds like your gf is willing to move around with you for a few years, so that's good. Go explore other places! If she wants to eventually settle in Family City, what does that look like to her? Is she thinking in two years or 10?

    Is that when you have kids? Does she want kids? do YOU want kids? Because settling for 10-15 years in a big (hopefully interesting and diverse) city with plenty of family might be a good thing when children are happening.

    Then again, if you REALLY don't want to on-line in Family City under any circumstances, then, well. You two are not compatible with your life goals.

    At first blush this seems like a deal-breaker (it would be for me) but maybe talk about it more and see where you get.

    Good luck OP.

  6. I guess the road to reform for a guy like this is a ton of soul searching and personal work, then a darkly brooding personal affect (with ZERO overt flirtation), so that you attract some interest and eventually trigger a conversation like

    Her: (Touches his shoulder.) we could be more than friends… Him: I can’t. Her: Why?

  7. Atlanta is only cheap if you’re not earning Georgia money. He just wants to be with his “friend.”

  8. Nobody can answer that definitively, even if their circumstances were exactly the same as yours. It may he a difficult decision but it's not a difficult question.

    If it's London, just get your own place while you're deciding (after a year or so of steadily dating in person) if he's the one for you. And if you'll be ok living there.

  9. I think you already have the answer you’re looking for. If you’re not happy with him, it’s time to leave. Better now than in a year or two when you’re both more dependent on each others company.

  10. There is no relationship. She’s made it clear she doesn’t consider him as important as her friends. I’d do exactly as Okcardiologist said then the next day pack my shit and move out. It would be up to her to try and repair the relationship if she was interested, but frankly I doubt she would.

  11. Actions are more important than words. He can say anything to make you stay for whatever reason but is he doing something to make you not question everything? I don't see it. He can even marry you but will it be any different? He's still angry about falling apart with his ex and I don't see a reason for you to fight so nude and for what? Why do you want to share a man and never be the one?

  12. You and no one else determines who gas access to your body and ob what way. Your husband is not entitled to hand you out like a toy. You're a person. You get to consent to sex with the people you want to have sex with. No one else.

    Who cares about his burst bubble? This is something that could seriously harm you and he cares more about his fetish.

  13. No reason for them to be texting outside of the gym environment. He knew he did something wrong and to me, that would be cheating. It is the boundary of my relationship with my wife that if you do anything that you wouldn't want the other person to know about, it's cheating. I'm not saying to break up with him but you two need to have some discussions about the boundaries of your relationship and what you agree on that constitutes cheating and the consequences of it.

  14. Well, then I guess that’s that. Any suggestions on what I should be doing to prepare myself and my 5 y/o sister for his death in the near future?

  15. He cheated on her with his ex and him being extra nice to her now is his way of making up for his guilt.

  16. I think he might be taking the hint due to my not texting as much. Plus he is an out of state student. Even if I would date it wouldn’t work with us being that we graduate into the real world next year.

  17. Op when confronting his wife if she denies it and says this guy is lying and making it up, should tell her if he is lying then we should sue him and actively work together to ruin this guy's life, see if she's on board or not that should speak volumes.

  18. Lol I don't hate men. I dislike the ones who are shallow. Your substance is toxic and it reflects poorly on the messenger. It's your own doing.

  19. OP, if possible you should go live! with a relative or friends, bring the dog and child with you. It's clear he has anger issues. You don't deserve to have someone yell and scream at you, telling you you're stupid and that he wishes he left you. That's not the environment to raise a child in.

  20. OP you can also call 911 saying your concerned about your SO based on their reaction. You might have better luck with the hospital taking them in and not deal with the chance that family and friends try to defend them. Stay strong


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