?❤️ Vanessa ❤️? the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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?❤️ Vanessa ❤️?, 20 y.o.

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?❤️ Vanessa ❤️? online sex chat

29 thoughts on “?❤️ Vanessa ❤️? the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I don’t think you have much of a choice but for her to leave. She’s not even sure if she wants you anymore. If she leaves, messes around and tries to come back make sure to never settle for anyone who put you on the back burner

  2. It sounds like you are feeling frustrated and disappointed in your partner's ability to follow through on her plans and responsibilities. This can be difficult in a relationship, especially when it comes to important things like applying for a job or remembering important events.

    First, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your concerns. Let her know how her actions are impacting you and your relationship, and explain why it's important for you to be able to rely on her. Avoid blaming or criticizing her, as this will likely only make the situation worse. Instead, focus on expressing your own feelings and needs.

    It may also be helpful to suggest that your partner seeks help in addressing her forgetfulness and lack of follow-through. This could be in the form of therapy or coaching to help her develop strategies for managing her time and responsibilities more effectively. You could offer to support her in this process, but ultimately it will be up to her to take the initiative to make changes.

    If your partner is not willing to work on improving her ability to follow through on her plans and responsibilities, it's important to consider whether this is something you can accept in your relationship. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide whether you are willing to continue in a relationship with someone who is not able to meet your needs in this way.

  3. I hate Taylor Swift and I still think it's a no-brainer that she'd choose the concert. College graduations are boring. Maybe you're the first generation in your family to graduate, in which case I understand that it's significant — but the ceremony doesn't really mean anything to people who are not apart of it. Honestly I regret attending my own college graduation. It was boring and the robe was a waste of money

  4. Stop blaming his parents this is boyfriend problem he doesn’t stand up and demand respect for you so why should they. And secondly you are a big problem too since you won’t hold him accountable and wants to blame others so he probably feels you are not worthy of respect.

  5. u/Confused_alone87, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  6. So tell her that you and her are going to MC with a different therapist, and if she says no, ask her if she wants to be single!. Don't play her games and don't talk to her about what you have to change, ask her why she doesn't have to change her behavior.

  7. If you're talking sex addiction, it sounds like you recognise you have a pattern. She must be aware of some of it already, but best to be honest with her.

  8. I agree, definitely report it. Even if nothing comes of it, hopefully it would scare him so he doesn't even contemplate doing it again.

  9. No wonder your mom is giving you an ultimatum. I wouldn't want you near me if you were saying he's now in a better relationship either.

    Who gives a fuck if it is better now?

    He was MARRIED to your mother. They said vows.

    If he was unhappy then he gets a Divorce FIRST.

    Then he looks for new people to date.

    His behavior was appalling and your “It's been two years and mom should be okay with it by now” bullshit is icky.

    Based on your comments here I can't imagine the insensitive shit you've said in your mother's presence.

    Instead of your mom getting therapy, I think YOU should consider therapy.

    Why not book some therapy and tell your mom that you are having trouble with her ultimatum so you're going to do therapy to look inward and to please give you some time to process it.

    If you don't change your behavior toward her she may go NC with you.

    Consider this fair warning from your mom that she has had enough of your fence-sitting bullshit.

    Your dad has crap morals. The fact that you are trying to pretend that you are a child who can just ignore the adults around you is… this isn't a sitcom.

    Your dad hurt a real on-line person that he was supposed to love and protect forever – in a profound way.


  10. Kelsey is not a platonic friend. You NEVER EVER EVER go to an ex about your current relationship no matter the reason. And you ALWAYS block a person who doesn’t respect your partner or your relationship. If I was Lauren, I’d dump your ass.

  11. And society wonders why men struggle to open up and express their feelings emotions when women like Op girlfriend exisit.

  12. This was probably the most helpful advice I’ve gotten yet and I sincerely appreciate it. The cats have always been like this, and seem unbothered by the baby. A year and a half ago we moved into a much bigger house, not using the downstairs at all other than the laundry room. Since moving, the cats have so much room and tend to spread out and can leave pee I’m random places that can go unnoticed for a while. We are set to move to a much smaller place in two months and I look forward to a more manageable space, and opportunity to start fresh.

  13. I've sadly been friends with people who realized they are with a dangerous person and not know what to do because they are afraid to leave and afraid to stay.

  14. Why does he have to be an activist? It sounds like he's open and agrees that everyone has rights and they shouldn't be taken away from them. So you're inventing a problem because he isn't, what? Willing to protest or fight? I bet he'd support and stand up for his friends and family.

    Not everyone has the ability to or the personality to be an activist and prefer to quietly support and be backup for friends and family.

  15. Be careful of what you wish for. You obviously wanted him for some reason and now you have him. He won't change and now you are stuck with him, YOU have to be the one to make changes unless you want to stay in a very obviously financially abusive marriage.

    It sounds like you put up with a load a crap to get a ring and now you realise you made a VERY poor bargain.

    Please don't have kids. Either get tough and keep your money or divorce. You don't have to be nice about it or get him to agree , he is also stuck with you remember!

  16. He has told me a million times he will start a diet and exercise regime next Monday but never does because he is tired from work. I'm tired too but still look after myself He used to be better but has settled into the relationship because he knows he can get away with it I think

  17. Iyour definition is incorrect

    The word is just fpr the sexual attraction itself

    Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.[1][2] Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12,[3] criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13

    Ehat people are saying is op experiences attraction to minors and is projecting that onto op. Reasons for this theory: Age of op Fact relationshop started when they were 19 (very close to age of consent) Age of bf Ehat rhe bf accuses op of

  18. You shouldn’t have to power through having sex with your partner. Sounds like something is telling you not to stay with him.

  19. What you do is leave. Love is not enough to have a relationship, and you can't live your life and also online his life. Also if you take care of him, what motivation does he have to even step up and care of himself for himself? You're enabling him. Enough is enough. Don't light yourself on fire to keep him warm.

  20. Funny enough, she was just broken up with by her ex about a few days before the sticker incident. I remember her telling me that and that she was in a bad mood that day.

  21. Nope nope nope.

    I do not agree with the comments saying finances should be split % wise of the income. It's ONE way to do it, but it's not the “only right way” to do it and no one should be forced into this approach.

    If one partner earns more than the other, there are many different ways to compensate for that. It doesn't have to be 50/50 on money.

    So first of all, you both should talk to each other about your expectations with money and overall finances. From there on you can try to get on an even point.

    This whole thing is subjective. We don't know your situation of live! nor do we know what you earn. You both could make 100k and 141k respectively or 30k and 42k.

    Talk talk and talk again. Do not go into this with “I do all these things and this is why I should pay less”. Instead approach it from a rational point of view and examine your expenses in detail to look who can take what share and offer to “close the gap” in a way that benefits both of you.


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