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26 thoughts on “? HERE, ‘S ABBY ? WELCOME EVERYONE! LOVENSE SEX-MACHINE REACT TO YOUR TIPS! LET’S MAKE A GREAT SHOW TOGETHER! the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I use a funnel and then just wash the funnel out with my pee bottles. One of them has a sports drink cap on it so I can really get the sides of the funnel clean.

  2. The MIL issue is related, but separate, from your marriage issue. By this I mean, you can't really control what she does, who she tells, etc. Your husband definitely needs to defend you, but at the end of the day the only damage control you can do is explain to the people she's told what is really going on, anbd potentially cut her off, which a “momma's boy” may not be likely to do – and could certainly complicate your childcare + dating life situation – but you can certainly have that conversation with him.

    The issue with your husband, however, is potentially a lot more complicated. You are assuming that your MIL is pulling the puppet strings, but I feel like you may be missing the possibility that your husband may already have not been fond of this arrangement, and this situation has only exacerbated those feelings.

    But I was still missing being intimate with my husband. After a few years we got a compromise.

    What stood out to me here is “compromise”. Presumably, this means he got to keep his job, and you got to have a love life. Thing about compromises, though, is that it often means neither party is that happy about the deal. And even with open marriages, it's often the case that other partners aren't exactly happy with their partners other relationships going public (not blaming you, but it is what it is at this point).

    Simply put: the circumstances have changed, and so it's hardly unreasonable that your husbands feelings may also have changed, or at least may be felt more strongly. You obviously need to discuss this with him to find out, but I am just cautioning you against running with the MIL = enemy story line in your head, but especially when discussing this with your husband.

  3. I kind of agree with you BF here. I know you want to get out of your house and get on with your life but 19 is very young to move in with a BF. You want to do it for the right reasons. Start with a roommate. Get used to living with you, then move on to BFs once you get the hang of it.

  4. So even if this hard. But you can't do anything actively. But what you can do: – make sure she feels she can tell you anything. If you constantly criticize him she won't tell you a thing when he shows his true colors to avoid the “I told you so” moment – tell her from your happy relationships and moments were you solve things the healthy way -when something toxic happens let her find out for herself how bad it is by asking questions instead of “you should” – her husband can't know you hate him. If he does he will isolate her from you. So you have to be careful.

    The only way to free her is to let her find out herself.

    I am sorry you are in this situation. This happened to me too. It took 2 years for my friend to break up. And it was naked.

  5. It is fucking astounding how many people have to be TOLD to do basic hygine esp men, almost every time some nasty shit like this pops up its a man. Ive heard jokes from women about the bar for dating is so low basic hygine seems like finding gold

  6. What kind of advice is this!? What about the twins? And their parakeets? What are they going to do about the house in Maui where Great Aunt Carol is staying after her divorce? And the chemo??

  7. Yes!!! I remember the other post. I swear there are writers that just like to make up fan fiction for this thread. Lol

  8. Your mistake in this post, and in the rest of your life, is that you’re NOT LISTENING. You’ve completely missed the point the previous commenter was trying to make because you were in such a hurry to jump in and explain how you’re right.

  9. Nope.

    And you better fucking believe that if men carried babies, it would legal and free in every state. And women would have NO say in what men did with their bodies.

  10. It's not weird. Would it have been weird if she had laser eye surgery? What makes this uncomfortable for your GF? Is it the fact that you're doing a favour for a friend who is a woman or the fact that it's breast related?

    It's a pretty good test of a warning sign if doing a nice thing for a friend bends a partner out of shape. Your friend has done nothing wrong here, just getting surgery. Your GF is not being forward about what the actual issue is either. Is she morally opposed to plastic surgery? That's ok, she's not getting the surgery.

  11. I believe that OP put most of the money that he inherited into a college fund for his daughter, not the money that his son inherited.

  12. If she told you directly that she wants to be friends, there is not much you can do about it.

    Either squash your feelings, or check out completely.

    It’s… undesirable when someone acts a friend and regularly brings up the idea of dating.

    If you can’t squash your feelings, it’s better for you two to go separate ways. That way you’re not tied onto someone emotionally whose unattainable, and she’s free from a constant pressure to date.

    If going apart is your choice, you can tell her that you have a tough time viewing her as a friend and you think you’ll always see her as a romantic interest. So if she was ever interested, be free to reach out because you’d be open to it. But for now, you think it’s best to go our separate ways

  13. I think he started dating someone who happens to use coke maybe. That would explain the manic behavior and the ease of his cruelty.

  14. If he asked you to murder your child and you said absolutely not, and he said ok I respect that and never brought it up again, do you think you could forget it and just move on? He killed your marriage, theres most likely no going back.

  15. I genuinely think some people just can't let go, they're so afraid of moving on that they cling to toxic or abusive relationships. Unfortunately no one can make them leave even if it's what's best for them.

  16. It is not salvagable because he rather throw a fit and blame you than actually listen and put out any effort. It's been 10 yrs and he still can't figure out where things go he is either doing it on purpose or the most ignorant sexually active man on the planet. Please remember he didn't respect or trust you enough to tell you he was a virgin. He strated this relationship on a very big lie. Should have been a big eye opener that he was too immature to be a healthy choice in a partner.

    Time for a serious decussion. You need couple's, sex, or individual therapy. If he refuses, starts to raise his voice, tries to blame you for his inabilities, or pulls the childish silent treatment you tell him to leave until he can communicate like an adult. This relationship won't and shouldn't last if he can't get his bs together. Life is too short for bad sex with an emotionally stunted man child who shows absolutly no reguard to your needs or feelings.

  17. See the thing is, this one very inconvenient thing happens when you stick your prick in a woman. They tend to get sensitive and hurt when you try and screw other women. So maybe just be single. Asshole.

  18. Just ask them all and see, say it didn't cost as much as I thought would you like me to send back the change

  19. x now thinks that bf is a snake, hates him and me, and now everyone’s blocked and no contact. Did I or my bf fuck up big time?

    Ehm…of course you fucked up. You claim that all of you were friends, but do you really live! in a town where there's only two single man available? You basically monkey-branched from dating your ex to your current bf….and your bf had nothing better to do than jumping straight into dating you as soon as his friend and you broke up…

    C'mon….you clearly knew what you were doing by keeping the relationship on the low for a few months. You knew what everyone else would be thinking.

    And yeah….to start dating someone this quickly, emotional cheating was most likely at play before, wasn't it?

  20. Most of his debt is very reasonable. The only scary thing here is the $5k in CC debt. That will compound until he dies if he isnt aggressive.

  21. They always do until it becomes real. Then they know they are competing also. This is why I said what I said. Tell her you are thinking about it. Then find someone willing and ready to. Then you go to her and say I have thought about it but first I want to have sex with name her, and show her a picture. She is down for tonight. Now this puts her on the defense vs you being on your heals.

    She is playing a shitty game, and you need to go, but if you want to line something up first, and buy some time, this is the way you do that.


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