?, AleshaAndTaylor? on-line sex chats for YOU!

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23 thoughts on “?, AleshaAndTaylor? on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Lol and by his actions he's just attracting some hood rats that want a free purse and nice dinners. And then he wonders why women want him for his money..

  2. Yup been there done that. Don't let her continue to manipulate and gaslight you. It's so exhausting to deal with this kind of behavior. Regardless how you handle it she'll be at your door and blowing up your phone. Stay strong and move on

  3. True! Just people expect it less. I know it’s unpopular opinion (maybe not here), but I understand him not wanting it even if he does intend to stay forever. She could want to leave or die unexpectedly, and so I get it. I think maybe condoms is best option

  4. We already have 8 billion people in this world. We do not want to deal with more overpopulation problems. We are already dealing with enough.

  5. It’s only come up twice and I’ve expressed that I don’t like it, so I will watch for it again. She likes to be choked and I’ll put my hand on her throat but it is not aggressive when I do it. I think it’s the aggressive way of doing it that worries me

  6. Hello /u/secretly_shady,

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  7. This situation has been done time and time again. The girl always converts and they get married and she's trapped in an abusive family with no support. You're too young. Leave. I wish I did when I was that young.

  8. Why would you say she doesn’t care about me? That hurts to hear. We did call for 6 hours per day, and talked every single day this entire year hung out in person had great times together. We have inside jokes and have a lot of things we did together life wise. It hurts to think she never cared after countless hours and time. She didn’t want to let me go I had to leave

  9. He can buy a hunting gun without any paper work. To fill out a firearm permit is for a handgun. You don't go hunting with a handgun. also its a federal crime for you to buy a handgun for anyone else.

  10. And yet you feel like you can’t talk about things that are important to you.

    It always seems 50/50 from the inside. And it’s never 50/50. Jsut sayin. You do you. Lots of people do make this kind of relationship work.

  11. Respect/care/love are not interchangeable words. I respect my doctor, I care about the cashier I see at my corner store often, I love my mom. I’m not saying that I can’t feel all three for one person (example I also respect and care about my mom in addition to loving her), but just because I respect my doctor does not mean I love her.

    I understand you feel like you’re going to be missing out on a possible family if you stay with your current BF, and it’s totally reasonable to decide to leave him because your wants/needs aren’t lining up. But just because you respect and care about you ex, doesn’t mean you should jump back into a relationship either.

  12. This feels like you’re really unnecessarily placing blame on op here. She was blindsided by a request by her husband out of nowhere to sleep with other people while she was freshly postpartum. No script for ethical non monogamy would recommend that. “A lot of guys lack tact” isn’t a valid excuse.

  13. Well if he didn’t have one before he probably does now. It really wtf was he thinking in my 40 year career. As a senior exec at a Fortune 500 company I have never had nor heard of anyone ever doing this. I’m afraid he is toast

  14. I’m sorry you’re going through this but that’s what happens when you have sex with people you work with. He was in the wrong and should be fired and hopefully you learned a life lesson. I’m a man and made young mistakes too. I also had an affair with my boss but it was just a summer job so a bit different

  15. Cheating destroys peoples lives. It doesn’t just hurt their feelings they can’t eat sleep think or function properly for a long time. Some even commit suicide you are potentially destroying two people, and all of the writing you did which I ignored most of does not justify anything that you were doing.

    First off, you’re a grown adult woman and you know what you’re doing. It’s an appropriate so stop. Here’s what you do you’re never alone with him when he calls you you block him and you never speak to him again alone. Ever. I don’t know how to tell you how badly people are affected by cheating I’m a child of it. And the children are affected everybody that you touch is affected by it some for the rest of their lives so stop it and be a good human being. By the way, no man is worth it. If he were worth it, it wouldn’t be doing it to you.

  16. 2/2

    He is from Lebanon, which is a country where GENERALLY speaking, the definition of a “high maintenance” woman, is one who practically lives in nail parlours, salons, surgeries, Botox/fillers have been the norm for many years, & the overall hyper-fixation on looks is very apparent there. Again, this is NOT all Lebanese women, but enough to make a somewhat generalisation. I am from Iran myself, so the concept of the women being heavily focused on their looks relatively more than most other counties (nails always being painted, cosmetic enhancements, getting work done etc) is not too far from home at all nor a foreign concept to me, as both of our countries are fairly similar in this respect. He was raised most of his life in Lebanon, so I assume part of the reason nails & other physical things seem so significant to him could be due to all of the women he was surrounded by during his childhood & throughout growing up. His mother is no exception, as she is never spotted without a full blowout & her nails painted. She is beautiful, but that type of lifestyle & that look is not for me. Hence, I believe his cultural background & being Middle Eastern partly explains his view towards the way women should be held to high standards. As a Middle Eastern woman myself, this is not a new discovery, bur common knowledge.

    Whenever we go out to eat, or attend certain events, I always ensure I look & dress nice. I personally think I do more than a decent job at it. I have never seen my boyfriend not wear the same pair of worn out trainers wherever we go over the past three years. He doesn’t put in an effort into how he dresses at all, not even once, but I NEVER even make a mere SUGGESTION that he takes more time getting ready, or telling him to wear something more formal. I love him so much that I don’t even think much of it & I find him handsome regardless, it doesn’t even cross my mind to tell him to dress up to a similar standard I normally do.

    He tells me he would shave his beard, grow it, or do whatever I tell him to do with his hair if I told him to, but I like him exactly how he is & I would never even suggest he changes anything, let alone pressure him into changing. He says that because he is willing to do these things for me, that I should be happy to change whatever it is about myself that he deems fit. But it bothers me as I feel like he is looking to change me to the point where I am out of my comfort zone & don’t feel like myself anymore, it’s inauthentic. Plus, we currently are living in different continents for a while, so he can’t even SEE the changes I were to make physically in person, so I don’t know why he continues to be so adamant.

    I have always liked to look good & put effort into my appearance, even if I am just going on a walk, to an appointment, or to a shop. By that, I don’t mean I wear a lot of makeup, but rather just looking presentable & wearing more than sweatpants (not that there is anything wrong with wearing something more casual, being comfortable should be priority!). I have grown up in a family where my parents have always took time to look good no matter where they are going, so I guess I was conditioned to grow to be the same in addition to watching my weight & exercising. The point I am trying to make is that I do take care of myself, but not to my boyfriends taste- which means nails being done & so on.

    If you made it to the end, I sincerely apologise for how long this post is… I just have so much on my mind & I feel broken, so I went on a bit of a rant here.

    This is a man I love dearly & we have intentions of marrying soon, but there are major issues like everything I have mentioned that have given me cold feet, & I would much rather face the true reality, even if if is bitter.

    Any advice or help regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated!

  17. He should have mentioned this to you before agreeing to it but if his parents' business fails then all these adult children are going to have to find a way to keep a roof over their heads. So this probably is ultimately the best way to keep these parents solvent. However, “it takes a village” isn't just a pithy campaign slogan and there will be times that your baby needs to be with a sitter or a relative. So disabuse yourself of the idea that only you and your husband will be doing childcare. This is a family emergency and if it's not managed it'll get even worse. If you need help with your baby on Sundays get someone in to help (like almost every other parent on the planet occasionally has to).


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