(35f) wife lost her mind on me (35m) because my family served Xmas dinner on paper plates.

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My (35m) wife (35f) lost her mind on me that my father served Christmas dinner on paper plates. No one gave a shit, but her. She lost her mind on me. She's a school teacher, her mother is a nurse and father is a farmer. Not exactly royalty. I've been thinking about leaving her for a while bc I think she's a narcissist.

How do you leave a narce? I feel like any time I bring up the “is this really.working” conversation she becomes very nice. It's like the image of a stable family is what she seeks, but she's a horrible person. My grandmother died last year at this time, and my dad (who's mother died), bought gifts for the kids and she wanted me to insult him by dropping them off at his house because he jokingly said they might make a mess. They were fucking Legos.

Jesus Christ. The sex isn't even good with this starfish. How do you leave someone like this?

Edit: thanks for the responses everyone. May 2024 be a great year for all of us, bc 2023…. Well 2020-2023… Was a God damn dumpster fire.

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