Arii-jhonson on-line sex chats for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “Arii-jhonson on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Oh, my dear friend. This behavior on the part of your boyfriend is the epitome of disrespect and is utterly unacceptable.

    Gently, this guy is significantly older than you are. Many times, older men seek out younger women to manipulate the power balance in the relationship. A 34 year old woman would be far less likely to continue in an abusive relationship than a young, less confident and mature woman. Additionally, these types of men will frequently belittle and shame their partners in an attempt to convince you that they alone will love you, you are unworthy of respect and love, and you will never find the true partner that you absolutely deserve.

    Please don’t allow this to continue. You are worthy. You are young and beautiful and have your entire life ahead of you! You absolutely deserve respect. You absolutely deserve love. Please cut this abusive, cancerous man out of your life, take time to heal and find peace, and then find the true, loving, respectful equal that you deserve!

    Very sincere best wishes to you going forward! ?

  2. I don't think I've ever seen so many red flags in so little space.

    ? The age gap

    ? He lied about his age

    ? Sex shouldn't hurt

    ? If it does, he should stop immediately

    ? He asks to borrow money


    ? He doesn't use protection


    ? You had to pay for the abortion

    ? He ghosts you for weeks

    Please never contact this man again!

  3. My ex always told me Valentine’s Day was steak and a blow job day. Guess what I got for Valentine’s Day? Small box of childrens chocolates and sweet heart candies. He always played up days and excuses for mens pleasure. ?

  4. No you don’t want to start trying to control her, however there should be a mutual level of respect. If you were meeting up with a girl that wanted to sleep with you, without you telling your partner, and continued texting her etc, how would she feel. She’s sending this guy the wrong message. He’s said he wants to sleep with her, she should be saying no I have a boyfriend and it’s probably best we don’t message just now. The fact that she’s still entertaining this is ridiculous. Nothing wrong with having friend of the opposite gender but he’s crossed the line and she’s done nothing to put him off.

  5. It really does feel like that honestly. Do you think I should talk to her about how we are gonna go about this? Like if anything I wanna keep the house and split custody. I feel like if taking care of the kids half the time then I shouldn't have to pay child support especially bc she has a support network and I really don't.

  6. Yup. Unless you are a huge name normally you are just travelling and DJing for the cost of going. Maybe your flight and hotel is taken care of but that's your paycheck right there

  7. I would argue she did do something wrong, technical or not. She intentionally lied to you with the sole purpose of fucking around and leading you.

    She played the field, and you, and came to have sex with you after leaving someone else first and then bragged about it to her friends. She's used you to be a joke to her friends as if she's a “player”. Well she is a player and like most of them, she's a shit person to do this.

    Fucking around, fucking other people, all that is fine WHEN it's out in the open with the people you are seeing and being with. She kept that knowledge from you knowing you wouldn't keep seeing her and manipulated you by “keeping it casual”. She knew you weren't going to ask about other dudes because that's why she never brought it up and had her friends in on it.

    Get yourself tested, make sure you're clean, and leave her behind. Full no-contact just straight up ghost her.

  8. Your anniversary should have nothing to do with appearances. I’m sorry OP. If you’re not ready to break up with her, I think you need to tell her how this made you feel and state that you will no longer participate in her sm. As another responder said, tell her that and watch very closely how she reacts.

  9. Let's be clear here – his preferences are a view of his morals. A good person does not have this problem.

    Yea, I’ve heard that before about people’s sexual preferences…

  10. From the posts ive read about men who want open relationships and then go all shocked pikachu and want to close it when theyre partner get dates nightly and they can get a single woman to match with them, the exgf would wim

  11. He has expressed no concerns, other than alleged “awkwardness”.

    He straight up said:

    However, it bothers me how they stayed close and refuse to end that relationship

    Sounds like he isn't a fan of it, and I wouldn't be either. And his girlfriend isn't either, which is totally reasonable. If I was her, I'd be worried if his family would truly accept me, if they secretly wanted him to get back together with the ex, that they'd be comparing me to her, etc. And now he perceives this awkwardness in his parents behavior about a situation that he already wasn't a fan of, which could be seen as validating some of the concerns that the girlfriend probably has.


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