DiamondBright live! webcams for YOU!

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My first day here!

7 thoughts on “DiamondBright live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Just told my mother and my sister about this after sharing with Reddit. They agree that it isn’t just his trauma to keep. Thank you for this.

  2. This is not your problem to fix.

    If that is how low he thinks of you, then this relationship is not worth saving. The trust you two had was hanging on by a thread.

    My GF was an elementary school teacher who transitioned into SLP. And kids are freaking dirty creatures. She caught bugs regularly. She's had kids sneeze directly in her face before.

    If your BFs default response to seeing snot on your shirt is cum from another guy… then he shouldn't be in a relationship.

    This isn't something you fight for your innocence. This is a baseline level of respect/trust you demand from your partner.

  3. Kind of. Part of it was that before women could work it was a safety net. So if their fiance got abusive after getting engaged she could break off the engagement, sell the ring and live for a few months solo while getting back on her feet.

    Not needed really now a days but I like the idea of it being a way to protect women.

  4. I travel for work and don’t ask my husband for permission before booking trips, there are partners out there that will respect and even encourage that lifestyle if it’s important to you. That said, I think you need to have a little more respect and less naïveté about your chosen destination. You can go to dangerous places and be relatively safe, but acting like there’s nothing to worry about or be aware of is how you get yourself into trouble. Soothe his worries by showing that you’re aware, vigilant, and hear the concerns of the person you’ve chosen to spend your life with. If this is integral to your identity why is this a new problem 3.5 years in and after the engagement?

  5. First things first; if you haven’t already – then sit him down and say exactly what you said here.

    If he says “yes we’re in a relationship” then you tell him these two things are what you need/want from the relationship. If he says that he can’t or doesn’t want those two things – then you two are just not compatible.

    Which is perfectly fine! You’ve only known/dated for a few weeks and now have arrived at the point of finding out who you two really are, what you like/need from each other and if you’re willing to continue.

    But honestly, it seems like you already know – deep down inside – that you’re not in a relationship and/or you do not want to be in this relationship.

  6. i totally get it! yes i am in therapy it’s definitely something i’m bringing up next time, i was just looking into a few reasons why i might be doing it! thank you so much!


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