Cherrycrush69 online sex cams for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “Cherrycrush69 online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Her telling you shes worried after no reply is a manipulation tactic. I would just send a “hey after some thought this isn’t going to work out for me, us continuing to connect will only hurt us, wish you the best but I need to focus on healing myself and moving on” block her and if she tries to contact you tell her she is being disrespectful by not honouring your boundaries or just don’t respond

    Best of luck!

  2. Sounds like you're both idiots. She cheated and you're an asshole. You're perfect for each other. Get married and have some asshole kids.

  3. If he says you should have stood up for yourself, then at least he’s not denying you were facing racism at the store.

    Laughing it off says to me that he doesn’t get how serious this is for you. I kind of expect that sometimes a White person won’t get the impact of racism, a man won’t get sexism, etc.

    I’d talk to him about this moment that happened between you – when you were hurting and he was laughing and joking. If he can handle that conversation, and you feel better about him, then great. Y’all can work through problems, which you’ll have in any relationship. If he gets defensive and falls into white fragility, then that’s an important sign too.

  4. You are stalking this dude and you should be happy he hasn’t called the cops. You sound unwell and you need a therapist and frankly to not be online


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