Lorenmysweet on-line sex cams for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “Lorenmysweet on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. It's not impossible. My pelvic bone completely separated and couldn't walk after giving birth. Do exercises. I see A LOT of excuses in your comments. Don't give excuses if you expect him to not give excuses. You say yourself that you have a high metabolism. Must be nice

  2. You are asking questions that you’re not going to get the answers to. They are rhetorical questions. It’s a gang, they don’t really need much of anything to warrant that response. People have been killed over MUCH less. You’re lucky you got this mild of a response and they didn’t jump and rob you, or worse.

    Block her number. Then delete it. Don’t allow for any contact to be made at all. Leave her alone and do not attempt to reach out either. Wipe your hands clean of all of this before something happens to you. Just be done. Stay safe.

  3. She is deluding herself into thinking she's ready. No person ready for a new relationship continues to cry over an ex that is living and say that you aren't just him. She did mean those things, but also doesn't want you to break up with her. It's going to keep happening when she's sleep deprived or stressed. Are you really prepared to hear that again?

  4. Lmfao. I have a bull dog that sleeps heavy. Any dumb ass that thinks it’s healthier or nicer to let a dog take up an entire bed so that the humans that take care of it have back problems and cannot work because the back issues are that severe are irritated and probably don’t pay for their lives on their own. My dog is spoiled, social and has more comfort than many humans do… she’s inside. She’s clean. Her skin and coat are cared for. She gets cbd and her bf lives next door.

    I let her sleep in the bed one night a couple ago and now I’m stuck with a pulled muscle because of how she sleeps.

    She’ll trap my legs or I’ll wake up and she’s on my back and I can’t move in a way that’s safe so now I can barely get out of the bed to WALK HER, feed her much less play with her as usually.

    Idk who is gonna pay rent but it’s for sure now her or her fkd up sleeping habits.

    Reddit is where ppl who don’t pay bills thrive.

    Downvotes don’t hurt me. This back pain and not being able to work either of my two jobs this week or exercise because I didn’t make my bulldog sleep in her own memory foam lined bed one night ! HURTS.

    Bunch of dummies.

  5. He didn't forget. He wants to be alone in this hotel room with this woman. Do with that knowledge what you will. I would be putting my foot down on this.

  6. If you can’t remember a single thing then why are you agreeing? You cannot remember anything. Of course the guy who drugged and assaulted you would say it’s consensual. Why would he admit to something illegal? The proof is in the drug test. You made 0 choice to cheat. YOU did nothing.

  7. Yes, unfortunately, you are correct. My youngest daughter has threatened suicide on many occasions over the years. One specific instance comes to mind when my son invited me to dinner at a restaurant but did not invite my youngest daughter (and even if he had, she would not have attended). The morning of the dinner, my youngest daughter threatened suicide, and I ultimately did not attend the dinner. It is disappointing because I only get to see my son a few times a year, whereas I am with my daughter every day.

    It is a challenging situation because my older children invite my youngest daughter to nearly everything they plan, and she declines every time. But when they don't invite her, she reacts with threats of suicide or a massive fit about the family not supporting her. It's a difficult and delicate balance to maintain.


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