India live! webcams for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “India live! webcams for YOU!

  1. This is a pretty narrow-minded take, especially since we've heard very, very little about OPs relationship to be making any kind of conclusions at all.

  2. I’ve been through the same too (minus the blackmail from the women he cheated with) My college sweetheart, we were best friends, he prided himself on communication etc etc…

    I took him back after the first one. And the second one. The third time … I realised I wasn’t the person I used to be, and he was never the person he pretended to be.

    I regret that seven years of my 20’s was over with nothing at all to show for it. I’m nearly 40 and now catching up to where I would have been in my life, I feel. But I don’t get to be 20 again.

  3. That’s a concerning pattern to slip into. Be careful and stay close with friends or family that care about you.

  4. Well again then this logic of “mine” and “yours” should only work against him. She brings in 2/3 the income, she has 2 kids. So logically they get her contribution. Just as he brings in 1/3, has 1 kid. So his child gets his 1/3 portion.

  5. I guess my question is – how likely is it that he will actually cheat? I just dont understand him. Why throw away 10+ years for some potential pussy? Why is that more important to him than me, who has supported him through a multitude of issues throughout the years?

    The only person who can actually answer the questions you have is him. And in a way, he already answered one of them. He said that if given the chance, he would cheat. That leaves the likelihood pretty high in my opinion. He didn't beat around the bush and say maybe, he said that he would in fact cheat if given the chance. Which is gross.

    You know the last person who I heard say that was? The 52 year old who groomed me when I was 14. He told me after 2 years of lying about how I was the only one for him, that he would indeed cheat on me if he had the chance and that it was silly of 16 year old me to expect him to wait until I got to FL after turning 18. That was what made me decide to leave him, because at that point I knew the 'relationship' was over.

    It's hard leaving, especially since you guys had a long time together and you're living together. But when he said that to you- did that not feel like the end of the relationship? Is cheating not a deal breaker? And even if he comes back from this trip and acts like everything's normal, are you going to believe he didn't cheat? What if he even tells you he didnt- would you still believe him? Can you actually stay in that relationship comfortably if there's paranoia about whether he did or didn't?

    For me, hearing that meant I no longer could trust the man and wouldn't be able to believe a word he said. I'd always be paranoid about if he was lying or ommiting the truth about cheating. Relationships need trust to work, and just like my groomer broke my trust with that statement, it sounds like your boyfriend did the same – even if you say you don't NOT trust him.

  6. You two aren’t compatible. You have different priorities. And yes, if she’s staying out all night, she’s doing drugs. Does she have a drinking problem too?


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