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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Hey Guys:) We are two Bella and Sofie and , ♥Elen♥ <3 Welcome to our Room <3

Hey Guys:) We are two Bella and Sofie and , ♥Elen♥ <3 Welcome to our Room <3 online sex chat

24 thoughts on “Hey Guys:) We are two Bella and Sofie and , ♥Elen♥ <3 Welcome to our Room <3 the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Yeah still no closure on the what she wasn't feeling when she said she doesn't know … I will never know . Yeah use dating apps which are hateful but talking to multiple is naked since I'm picky and wouldn't say I'm Brad Pitt but not awful . Unfortunately out of school / uni now just never did this stuff when I was younger as I was in a bad relationship from I was 14-22 ? . So all this is hateful , let's hope finding love is worth it .

  2. Yeah, pastors run a broad spectrum and despite what this one may think or say, his interpretations aren’t the authority. There are so many sects and denominations and then individual parishes/flocks beneath those umbrellas and then splinter-groups and clusters debating within THOSE…

    I have some spiritual leaders I really respect but they’d be the first to admit they’re just Some Guy (or Gal or Nonbinary Pal). It’s when a faith leader starts insisting on authority that things get dicey. Good faith leaders have some of the answers and also ask questions of themselves. Bad faith leaders tell you they have all the answers and never question themselves.

  3. I may be one of the small minority of people here in an actually healthy relationship. There’s nothing toxic about what I said. Stop priming OP to believe garbage and forgive him.

  4. Hello /u/throwaway193959294,

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  5. Hello /u/Ok-Waltz-3210,

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  6. Yes great question! She hasn’t really told us details of the conversation(s) much less his attitude during them

  7. New bootlicking trick just in: Avoid talking about periods during your childhood you enjoyed around cops, on the off chance an officer died on the job during that period as this could be offensive. Also avoid celebrating your birthday for this same reason and when wedding planning make sure to check that no cops have ever died or been injured in any way or for any reason on the day in question.

    If you do accidentally feel or express joy pertaining to a date when a person, whose job is less dangerous than that of a garbage man, has died or injured themselves follow these steps to make amend and avoid that pesky “40% of cops”* situation.

    1- Curl into fetal position at feet of offended officer/s and begin licking boots profusely

    2- begin jacking officer off, while still licking and kissing their boots and intermittently mutter the phrases “You're a hero” “I'm sorry my lord” “I am but a peasant begging for forgiveness at the great blue line” “please dont kill me” and “thankyou for your service”

    3- You will need a large barrel of lubricant for the following steps as an offended officers ass actually requires kissing and licking from within to offer an acceptable level of apology

    *40% of cops may be googled for added clarity

  8. thats weird, so you’re supporting her financially, and shes worried about how she’ll be financially stable in the future after you part ways?

    it seems she still wants you to support her and her child financially after you guys split. just keep giving her money, i guess.

  9. I'd break up because this can be one of two things.

    I've been with a guy who was insanely jealous and everything I did caused a fight. I started hiding things because it was just easier than him overreacting.

    For instance, I had a guy friend on my family cell phone plan because his credit sucked and with him being an employee, he would let me use his employee upgrade so I could try out the newest phones every 3 months if I wanted to. This started before I dated my ex.

    The friend stopped by to drop off money one night and called me when he got to our house, I met him outside and we ended up chatting for 20 mins outside. My ex came out and then met but he got all pissy later saying it was “suspicious” I didn't invite my friend in. I didn't want to invite him in I just expected to chat for a few mins which turned into 20.

    Another time I met up with a friend while we were visiting ex's friend in another state. They wanted to do something I didn't, so I made friends with a plan for lunch and ex dropped me off at an outdoor mall. My friend was late so I went shopping and ended up buying underwear. I spent the whole lunch freaking and debating hiding the underwear cuz of COURSE he was going to get paranoid about me coming back from lunch with a friend with new underwear.

    I ended up leaving him and I'm thankful to have a trusting boyfriend that I also trust.

    The other option is that she is hiding things for a reason.

    So either you're the problem or she is, either way there's broken trust on one or both ends so you don't sound compatible.

  10. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    i literally broke down in tears after he said it. i feel so sad and ashamed of myself and my body it really hurts. he said my pussy looks like what “his pancakes look like”, because he was making a joke of how he cant make them. obviously he was mocking my vagina primarily. i got a lot of bullying in my life but nothing ever hurt me like this. he noticed i was upset then he tried to say it wasn't meant to make fun of me, now he says it was just a bad joke and im hurting myself by dwelling on it. it could be true im overthinking it but thats because it really got to me. any advice?

  11. it’s not about that, it’s about making it easy if the kid(s) one day want to make aliyah. hebrew school so they are more familiar with the culture, the rest so that they are already officially Jewish/have an easier time converting. with the heightening antisemitism everywhere, I don’t blame him for thinking about it, but he definitely should be more transparent about it

  12. they don’t take it seriously here because you can buy it at a store and it’s not an illegal substance

    Just because it's not illegal, it doesn't mean it won't screw up your life.

    It says live!

    People on line say lots of things.

    It’s naked to separate myself from my anger right now.

    I think you need to stay angry and separate from him before he takes you down too. My husband was an alcoholic. At one point I took his debit card away and gave him a cash allowance after he spent the rent money entertaining strangers at the bar. Eventually I told him that when I reached my breaking point, his stuff would be on the porch. Fortunately he decided to quit and we had many good years.

  13. he claims it was because he got more days off in a row that way because he has both of those weekends off meaning he's off from Saturday through the NEXT Sunday (9 days in row) instead of just taking off Monday through Sunday (7 days in a row) with me.

    but honestly anytime I question him about anything he gets mad.

  14. Do you have ” full access to her phone” I wonder keep it moving break up it's the lack of privacy for me and NO MATTER how you word it she will ALWAYS think you are doing something along the lines of cheating to her well if he's got nothing to hide he dosent need privacy

  15. He is disrespecting you and invalidating your (very valid) emotions.

    People like him are the worst possible things to have in your life when you're already struggling with your mental health. You need peace and healing at home, not hostility.

    It's even possible that he interrupted your session deliberately, which is even more abusive. I've been with a partner like that, and honestly I would on-line in a cardboard box under a bridge before I did it again. Don't let him make you believe you're the one who's wrong here.

  16. Your I hope now ex boyfriend is a piece of fucking shit if he can’t respect you while you are grieving he doesn’t deserve shit


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