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Room for online video chats N_Hibiki

N_Hibikilive sex stripping with hd cam

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Room for live! sex video chat N_Hibiki

Model from:

Languages: en,zh,ko,ja

Birth Date: 2003-11-26

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityAsian

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBlack

Subculture: subcultureRomantic

5 thoughts on “N_Hibikilive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. If you want to stay with him just make sure you’re ok with this because it’s absolutely not the first nor the last time he’s fucked a dude while he was with you. He won’t cheat on you with a woman because it sounds like he’s gay and ashamed (you are his beard). If all of this is fine with you then just roll with it but don’t get upset when it happens as your enabling it. If you’re not ok with it then do both of yourselves a favor and let him go so he can get the courage to be with men publicly and not drag you through this.

    All that being said I think this story is fake lol.

  2. “He’s still friends with his ex-girlfriend (f29) who he was engaged to.”

    This is the root of your problem. WHY is she still around?? She needs to GO. Some relationships involve an ex being a friend and they go on to live merrily ever after. It is very apparent that this ain’t it.

    It shouldn’t take you telling him that was wrong, for him to know that was a very disrespectful thing for him to say. He wouldn’t be apologizing if he didn’t think so.

    I don’t know how else to fix this, because I’m sure in the back of your mind you will always think about how he said his ex was prettier.

  3. WOW she not how to hurt A guy..I d of asked if she got off..Or lest made sure she did thats what counts..Maybe than said what A big pussy she had.Told het I use to small tight ones or like that??

  4. Leave. The main reason being that she did not discuss huge decisions with you. She felt she knew best and deceived and duped you. Your marriage has no firm foundation if one of you think the other doesn’t need to know the big stuff. She has treated you badly and probably will not change her stance.


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