VictoriaSumers live! sex cams for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “VictoriaSumers live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Oh hell nooooo! I have a 40 yr old son that's the same size as you. His ex gf threatened that shit ONCE! I told her he may not hit you back, but bet his sister and I have no problem doing it for him. Way I look at if she wants to act like a man and swing on you like a man you have a right to defend yourself from her. No one deserves to have hands put on them, I don't care if they're male, female or otherwise. Physical abuse is physical abuse, no matter who does it to whom. Please don't tolerate this shit.

  2. Get out of there, how do you expect to on-line the rest of your life like that, she needs help big time.

    She will not change and you will be miserable for as long as you stay with her.

  3. Dude, for real. Apparently, they all got drunk too so she was drunk having sex with another dude and just at the end realized he had a bad time. I mean she's not a bad person but definitely not caring and this is a nightmare situation altogether.

  4. Love is never enough. And after years of being disregarded, disrespected, and disappointed you’ll realize you don’t love him and that you’ve wasted years.

  5. I've had this in my head, but I'm usually too caught up giving people the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes you just need someone to say it for it to really stick. I think I will pull back a little bit and just try to be a friend for a while. Thank you very much, I appreciate it.

  6. This can be a stressful situation. I believe you joining him at first could add to the stress. You’d be in pain, worrying about your dog for every time back and forth. I’d probably gently explain that I wouldn’t be joining him while she still lives. (I’m sorry this sounds so harsh), but when the funeral is planned, I’d join in the end.

    When my grandpa was terminally ill, my partner and I did it this way. He couldn’t leave because of work. He joined me in the end and I don’t love him any less for it.

  7. Honestly you do nothing. He's your FWB, not your boyfriend. Even if he was your BF, you don't own him and he can have friends other than you.

  8. Then honestly I think your best bet is to suggest couples counseling to get to the bottom of why she doesn’t trust you. If eating lunch in an open office with an employee is enough to make her think you’re cheating, something has gone very awry.

    Last question: have you ever had close female friends or female coworkers/employees before and if so how did she react to those relationships?

  9. Gotta special order some weird shaped pasta just for this occasion. Someone somewhere must be making penis pasta on Etsy.

  10. Therapy. Seriously. Grief gives us a lot of feelings to process, and a therapist's office is the best place for that. They can help you unpack and make sense of all the emotions. They can help you find ways to communicate your emotions with other people in healthy and effective ways. They can also teach you coping skills to manage those emotions so that they don't come out sideways, and you can ride the waves to get through the rough times.

    Seriously, it sounds like therapy would be very helpful. I've had plenty, and it really, really helped me immensely.

  11. God and you’ve only been together 9 months ugh. Girl, get out before you waste any more time on him. 9 months is nothing, just pack your shit and go

  12. You are over thinking. It is very likely that B has not thought about you or what happened for many years. Unless B has recently mentioned that she was still hurt by this break up, you reaching out to apologize 12 years after an only 2 week long relationship will make you seem like an absolute lunatic. Get some therapy as it appears you are the only one who needs to let go of this.

    Perhaps you are the one who wished things would have worked out with her and pretending you need to apologize to her is so you can hear from her how she missed you all this time and wished things had been different. You said you 2 went no contact after the break up. Is your ego bruised that she did not chase you and you need to know that she still desired you at least or that she was hurt so you can get some sense of self worth from her? Or… get some therapy and drop this ridiculous, self centered desire from your mind.


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