Pami live! webcams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Pami live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Do you know why they broke up? What the chances are of this ex coming back? I’ve personally gone back to exes several times and it never worked out any of the times. It was a total waste of my time thinking they changed. If you both have feelings and are attracted to each other, you should try, but give her time to work through her emotions. It’s not fair to you for her to be with you if she’s thinking of someone else.

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  3. You bought her an apple watch and she couldn't even be bothered to get you socks. She sounds selfish, honestly.

  4. Honey, she broke up with you. You may be able to be friends someday. Some people can but others can’t. For now though, you especially need to heal and realize that you aren’t together anymore and never will be. The “we’re breaking up but we’re still friends” rarely works unless there’s a specific reason to remain friendly, such as shared children. Otherwise, the hope that the friendship will evolve back into romance won’t go away.

    Also, even though you say you want her to be happy, your presence in her life at this point is probably causing problems. She’s trying to create a life that doesn’t include being OP’s partner and probable future wife. That’s not really possible if you’re still hanging on. Plus, her new guy may be wondering why the two of you are still in contact, if you relationship is truly over.

    Perhaps counseling would help you or find some new hobbies or activities to help keep your mind off her. Get a couple of single friends to hang out with and be your a support group. If you were living together and you’re still living in the same place, move. If you can’t move, rearrange the furniture or get some new stuff, even if it’s only curtains. Get some friends or siblings to come over and help you “un-girlfriend” your space.

    Good luck!

    Please !UpdateMe about how you’re doing.

  5. You should accept people as they are at their core. Habits and perceptions can change. People often make changes for their loved ones. It's easier to use the “accept people the way they are” rather than try to change. It's a cop-out. I can't see how being an aggressive or argumentative drunk is something you wouldn't want to change. For yourself or other people.

    I really dislike drinking culture among groups of friends. It's unhealthy and when they eventually grow out of it they're kind of left wondering what they've been doing with their lives.

    He sounds very immature. I honestly would expect a bit more self-awareness for a 27-year-old. He really needs to grow up.

    I hope, no matter the outcome, you're at peace with it. If you feel you need to break up, then do it. It won't make you a bad person, same with if you try to make it work. Just make sure you're looking out for yourself, your interests, and what you need from your partner.

  6. Have you ever told him you want him to do while having sex? Maybe he thinks he’s doing a good job.

    My wife dated a Brazilian man. She said the same thing. He was horrible and she broke it off with him after having sex with him twice. What’s with Brazilian dude being macho?

  7. >but he never made an effort to save in the entirety of our whole relationship because he prefers to online in the moment.

    This is the problem.

  8. Agreed. OP and his girlfriend sounds like a level headed people who listens to each other and understands what's important for each other. To be honest this is something that is very rare these days.

  9. Maybe instead of asking her what she means, which let's be honest is pretty clear, you instead have conversations about your future and where you are in that process. She clearly wants to step up this relationship and on-line together, get a pet, and get married.


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