DANISHA-HOT on-line sex cams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “DANISHA-HOT on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Listen, that girl is smart. She knows any bad person can set up an anonymous account and smear someone with lies and libels. Too bad she's defending a POS like her boyfriend, but in principle she's doing the right thing.

    So the onus is on you. You have to prove the truthfulness of your statements. If you want to remain anonymous, now you must continue giving her as much proof as you can.

    Give her a few names of the women he's cheated with and tell her to contact them. Hopefully you know, and hopefully they're not the ones she (or the women) could easily link to you.

    Give her dates and hours. If you know establishments, also tell her the names to go and check.

    Lastly, tell her to hire a private investigator (hopefully she has the money for that).

    If I were you, I'd tell her my name without worrying about the consequences. But I know there will be consequences (I've done this), so I understand your hesitation. Always good to avoid the resentment and want of retaliation from a treacherous, potentially violent “friend”.

  2. Well on the equity side no. Im not making her pay any part of the mortgage. But the more people that live in the house the more water, electricty, and groceries are consumed.

  3. Dude… time to be an adult. Let her make this choice without you. It is time to be an adult and breakup. The stakes are too high for her

  4. “says she doesn’t want to lose me.”

    There's something she doesn't want to lose all right….. that something is your money. If she really loved you then she never would've lied to you or cheated and the fact she has repeatedly done both is proof she doesn't love you in the slightest.

    Ignore the crocodile tears and dump her, you'll be much happier in the long run without someone like her ruining things for you.

  5. That’s what I thought too, either way the relationship is fucked I feel bad for that kid they’re about to have

  6. Not having opinions on important things is definitely a privilege rather than cluelessness or even stupidity


    Years ago I remember parroting that I wasn't into politics to keep the peace. But then I realized it's only peace for me and I'm willingly accepting that other people are suffering so that I may remain ignorant.

    I will call out everybody who claims they aren't into politics

  7. Good grief I hate to think what your wife would think about what I get up to with my male colleagues! Sometimes we even have lunch outside the office!

  8. This is exactly how my ex husband started. I wasted many years on him, and it just kept getting worse and worse until I finally got myself out before I made a permanent decision to end a temporary problem. But it was very close. Don’t do this to yourself, get out before there’s legal hoops and possibly children to worry about. You and your future deserve much more.


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