ViralBeauty on-line webcams for YOU!

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6 thoughts on “ViralBeauty on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I never thought I'd care for them but my ex was the only woman that ever gave me flowers. I definitely appreciated it. I used to think that as a man, I would never want flowers bc it was pointless, a waste of money, etc but it took time to pick them out. It was thoughtful. So I definitely changed my mind and I appreciate the fact my ex GF got them for me. ?

    Get some for your man. He will like them.

  2. I think there’s missing information. Your wording is painting your dad as an abusive crazy. But I think there’s information about your friend you’re not saying. Because in all your responses, it’s stating you’re not even living with him but “want to be respectful” if you go. Do you tell him when you’re going other places besides your friends house. If this is real ( because Reddit is notorious for rage baiters) I’m betting something happened at this friends house or around those lines.

  3. Cool. Doesn’t change the fact that he’s giving her the wrong signs and leading her on with the late night visits and emotional support.

    Sure, he’s doing because he’s stupid, and not because he’s cheating. But does that really make it okay to you?


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