Isabella-angell on-line webcams for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “Isabella-angell on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I need to say, with no malice or ill intent, you need to grow up. I know you're young, but if you're gonna be weird about women who've slept with your partner (any partner you have) you're gonna have a bad time. As I mentioned in my comment, I coparent with my ex fiance just fine. We've both had partners over the years, and no one has bat an eyelid at the fact we'd slept together. And you're not going to find many that haven't slept with anyone else easily. Get over that. It happened. You can't do shit about it now, and being jealous of it is only going to hurt you and cause further issues than you currently/will have in the future

  2. It’s really gross and basically the same principle applies as so many other things in life, if you mess it up, you clean it. He is making a mess and should be cleaning it immediately. It’s horrible and unsanitary and a really weird hill for him to die on.

  3. You talk to Emma and clarify whether they have some sort of open relationship arrangement. This is unlikely given Emma's reaction, but might as well cover your bases. If Emma says yes, don't forget to check with Olivia.

    If not, tell Emma she has X days to come clean to Olivia, otherwise you will tell her along with evidence. It should come from her if possible.

  4. Even in a fight, your spouse should not call you names. If his friends are telling you he's bad news, then it's time to listen to them.

  5. Time for an ultimatum. He either chips in 50/50 ( Not 30/70) or you're gone. You are sick of being treated as a house maid and living with a lazy husband. Then stick to your guns. Don't let up. Don't do 51% of the chores because that's enabling him. You are still picking up the slack. Don't. The reason he's most likely like this is because he has been picked up after his entire life. Then he marries you and you walk behind him picking up and doing what he doesn't. He just assumed you'll do it. So only do your chores. If he doesn't do his follow through. Move out for a while, take a break, or whatever. Don't give in.

  6. Given how starved we men usually are for affection and emotion and such (cf The Will To Change) I guess I shouldn't be surprised to hear I wasn't alone in acting like this in my youth, unfortunately.


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