Violetta-hot on-line sex chats for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “Violetta-hot on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I don't know what to tell you about your wife, that's some bullshit.

    But! Let me tell you to not do fucking anything for the next 5-6 days. The vasectomy is going to be sore when whatever drugs you are taking wears off every 4-6 hours, but in general, if you are properly packed and iced, you will be pretty fine after a couple of days.

    This is where pretty much every dude that fucks it up, fucks it up. You still need to not do anything. Lay around, binge a show, whatever.

    I realize it could be insanely hot with six kids and a pissy wife. But things are going to be so so much harder if you do to much to soon and one of your balls swells up to the size of a softball and you are in the most pain of your life 24/7 but also you have already used up all of your time off so you have no choice but to strap your softball nut to your thigh and walk around at work looking and feeling like you just got kick in the balls by Matt Prater.

    It happened to a friend of mine and it stayed like that for 3 months, or, a trimester as you would probably call it.

  2. If she can't trust you to not go off “on her behalf” or do something “for her” even over her objections, that's probably why she doesn't want to tell you. You say that you have a history of overriding her on how she wants to handle situations that happened to her. Maybe consider talking to her about that? Can you consider not doing that?

  3. Welp, I hope we don’t see an update from you in a week telling us it all ended up being a dumpster fire.

  4. If someone is not willing to honestly reflect on their own behaviour and the I,pact of their choices then unfortunately therapy will not be helpful … therapy is not a magic want that fixes everything it’s an opportunity to reflect and grow … but you can’t have the growth without the reflection


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