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10 thoughts on “Nairathonsom live webcams for YOU!

  1. Is she young enough to be his daughter from a previous relationship? It slmost sounds like the questions s father would ask his kid.

  2. True, yet I haven’t had conversations about having sex with Josh, nor have I vented to him about relationship problems. He has female friends I have no issues with. And I also said I’d stop sharing drinks with Josh. Is there anything else I can do?

  3. I guess I've been leaning on the leaving side as well. I think I'm just seeking confirmation about this since I find extremely difficult to leave her after all this time. It feels like I'm robbing her from happiness, the future she sees in us and so many other things.

  4. Your friend needs to stop being a wienie hut jr. And tell her husband we’re no longer together and this trip/marriage/ experience with you two is no longer benefiting or beneficial to me or our ✨entanglement ✨in any way. They attack her because she’s the weakest link and folds under pressure so she needs to just speak about the divorce only with him and she needs to go out there. Instead of being a sad girl she needs to primp herself for her hot girl era without the manipulative weight she’s been dragging around. While they coexist she doesn’t need to answer to either of them period. If she doesn’t engage with them and their buffoonery she can’t be at “fault” and watch them seethe at her living her best life

  5. This is a wacky reply. Be mad at herself, for the massive overreaction to taking a friend to lunch.


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