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11 thoughts on “Ivybubbles live! webcams for YOU!

  1. i don’t think he’s afraid but he’s just never dealt w a problem similar to mine. but thanks! i’ll try that when i see him next.

  2. I personally think having a great friendship first is only worth risking ruining the friendship if the aspects of the long friendship carry over. In this case it doesn't sound like that's the situation.

    I can tell my best friend hot truths about themselves from a place of love. 1y relationships can't normally survive that blunt, tough love, candor that a decades old friendship can.

    It doesn't sound like you're dating your best friend now. Sounds like you're dating someone who barely respects your opinion and definitely doesn't respect you as a partner in managing your home (and any kids inside) and that's after a VERY short year of dating.

    I think in this case you should separate that friendship and look at this through the lens of a new relationship, because he doesn't seem to be participating like a bff of 10yrs would.

    Heck, I parent my bffs kid, I've been here all his life. No way he's throwing a tablet tantrum on my watch because he sees me as an authority figure, an adult in his life, and always has. And I'd never be told to just let him act wild so he doesn't get upset, and if I were, I'd tell my bff how absolutely absurd that is.

  3. Nope. I just replied to someone else who said a similar thing about keeping track because of possible std situation but it’s just girls he’s fucked so he doesn’t forget. I don’t get the whole thing. And when he told me my name was on the list I about lost my shit

  4. Men are not a monolith who all think and act the same way.

    If you want to know if that was an issue for HIM, ask him.

  5. I would suggest trying to rebuild the intimacy. Take her on dates. Buy her flowers. What is it that you did in the beginning to make her fall in love? Try recreating that.

    If she senses that the only reason you do something is to get brownie points, to then get laid, that could explain why the spark is gone.

    No woman likes to feel like they are a hole to stick it in, or that they should offer up sex as a reward for a man who has done the bare minimum, for someone who doesn’t appreciate who they are as a person.

    Once you have stated to rebuild emotional intimacy, then bring up the issue of your sex life.

  6. End the relationship.

    She has cheated, you cheated (doesn’t matter if it’s physical or not) and she is planning on cheating again this time physically (she’s already cheating anyway)

    She will never change. And I be safe, get your son tested – cause if he’s not yours, then while it will hurt, he won’t be your problem either.

    It is better for your son to grow up with 2 parents separated than for you to stay and the relationship to get toxic (or more toxic than it is now).

    And fight for full custody. Remember that you have a job, she doesn’t.

    You can also use her gaming against her, as it seems like she spends a lot of time gaming, which means she is neglecting your son so she can play games.

  7. It doesn't look like he has it in him to even want to be faithful. Are you sure that you want to stay in that type of relationship?

    With cheating, there is definitely a once-and-you-are-gone element but if you truly think that everyone deserves a second chance…didn't he just use his second chance to prove he didn't deserve it?

  8. If you want to keep your kids then you and the wife need to move to a different state. You need get away from this Peyton Place. Once you get away and establish residency then if you want, you can divorce your wife and coparent.


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