EroticRiver on-line webcams for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “EroticRiver on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Honestly how do you think your going to have a long and fulfilling relationship juggling them both do you think that’s fair to your daughter?

  2. no no, it sounds like this guy has it all figured out. he knows he has a great personality, and won't hear anything to the contrary!

    it's us who are wrong!

  3. For more context : I know why I lie. It was for survival as a child. My parents endured some brutal conditions to get to America. I had to be perfect. Grew up with a lot of pressure on me to succeed. And for the most part I am successful. But no matter what I do I don’t feel good enough so I lie to make myself look good. I did the foot work already. I know why I lie. It’s self esteem issues.

    I’m not a malicious liar. I mostly lie about stupid stuff. For example if you ask me my Gpa I’d say 3.8 when it’s really 3.5 even though a 3.5 isn’t a bad Gpa. Or let’s say my boyfriend got me something . To a stranger I might try to make him look good by saying it’s something I always wanted . Even though I didn’t really care for it. I’ve talked to ppl live about it and they’ll say it’s not that bad since I’m not hurting anyone but it plagues me. I’m entirely too old to have this quirk. If I was 10 it might be cute but I’m 22. I can’t go into my 30s feeling like I need to be “perfect” and everything in my life is perfect.

  4. Then the only thing you can do at this point is to try and see if she will open up to you about the reason. If she said she is tired you can ask her if you can help with that with a massage or taking part of the chores that one day you dont work, doing some chores together after you arrive home? Stuff to make her feel less tired, then depending on what she says next (“Im tired of you asking it” for example) you can adapt to “okay I can spend this much time – idk a week – without asking you at all, would that be fine?

    There may be a reason or there may be not but its better to just see if you can get what that reason is from her before it starts affecting other parts of your life

  5. You sound very smart and intuitive. I agree with the post that says don't be so naked on yourself.

    This issue is a deal breaker and yes, people will throw away anything in a moment of passion. They are not actually thinking of consequences and generally believe they will get away with it.

    That being said, what do you do if you want to leave? Stay quiet until you have found a new roommate and have a plan. Apartment finder and other services can help with this. Of course do a background check on new roommate before moving in.

    When you discuss with him know what you are taking and leaving and if you need to write down what you want to say.

    Find friends if you don't have any there. Meetups are good or join a running group or something. This will give you an outlet and focus outside of him.

    You are still so young and have so much time to find a quality partner who thinks you are the best of everything.

  6. Get your own space. Move out. Saving for a house is nice but not at your emotional well being. I was in a similar situation years ago while waiting for my apartment to finish being built and my MIL was so passive aggressive that I started losing hair from stress. On Monday ask if everything is alright and if she doesn't address any issues then you move on with your life. Don't be rude in her home but don't be bullied.

  7. Some guys just don't like doing that and have aversion or not. I only like it when its clean shaven some guys don't care, just really depends.

    describing it like a “tomato” in texture is weird to me its nothing like that. He should just say he doesn't like to do that.

    Unless it makes him sick though (like gagging no one wants that) he should be willing to try for your benefit that is what relationships are about. Doesn't sound very “giving” here.

  8. Not only is it passive aggressive, but the way your fake friend (I say fake because that’s not a friend) carried on was extremely childish for a 34 year old woman, and ridiculous. No one owns a name, they cannot be stolen. I name one of my children Rhiannon. Does that mean everyone else who named their child that, stole it from me? In fact, a friend mine named her child Rhiannon. My response was “Good name!” With a thumbs up!

    Instead of your so called friend being a positive figure during your pregnancy even with the name picked out, she made herself a thorn in your side and tried to guilt, brow beat, and argue with you to get you to relent. After your baby is born, she chooses the most disrespectful and petty route just to prove some asinine point she assumes about name ownership.

    If would absolutely NOT just sit there taking that, being complacent and hoping that someday she’ll get so bored of it she goes back to being a semi decent human being. Then you are teaching her it’s okay to treat you and your child that way. I would instead decide I would rather surround myself with humans that are decent and celebrate me and my child and are positive in my life, regardless of my baby’s name.


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