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  1. u/AltruisticScratch118, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. I know a man exactly like OP you wouldn't believe either: codependent, no hobbies (besides videogames) or goals in life, I don't think he is happy, never lived on his own, no smile/laugh whatsoever, no deep conversations ever, not good communicating and lacks basic life skills, one time I asked him if he loves himself and the answer wad a very hot NO but claims to love a woman that is the opposite of him about personality. I told him you can't love someone if you dont love yourself FIRST but he disagree lol This guy have a friend or two in another state and probably one friend in his city besides me but all his real social life is brothers and parents thats it! I only noticed bc I get to spend time with him and it's very sad and depressing! Actually I think he is depressed but doesn't know or don't want to see the reality.

  3. You got a whole ass house and the land for 20k and you're making a fuss over 1k??? The only one being greedy here is YOU. Damn, to screw a 70 y.o. man over a thousand dollars? What a piece of trash you are.

  4. What's wrong with being insecure?

    Your boyfriend either accepts you as is, worts and all, or he doesn't. If he doesn't, then it's time for you to break up with him and find someone who will love you, worts and all!

  5. I “somewhat” believe you (because it’s really very hot to have to believe the person who’s supposed to be closest to me would be like this) and have thought this myself because it’s perfectly logical. He used to believe in me and be a good partner for some periods of time, it’s nude to think the person I kept choosing is capable of this.

    Thank you for your advice and opinion 🙂

  6. Firstly, I am so, so, so sorry about the SA and trauma you have been through. No one deserves to go through that and I hope you are surrounded by support, care and love.

    Secondly, ugh. I truly understand how uncomfortable and unsettling his reaction was. However, please do remember that our bodies have physical reactions that we can’t control. Just like when I had a physical reaction that would have come across like I “enjoyed” it when I was SA’d, your boyfriend’s body could have just reacted to physical closeness to someone he adores and is attracted to. These moments SUCK because he feels guilty and you feel like your trauma isn’t being taken seriously or that perhaps he’s getting off on it. Know that this isn’t the case. Our bodies can be totally disconnected from our minds and betray us at the worst times.

    If you need to, take a little space from him in order to decompress and understand how you feel. But do please let him know how you feel, why you feel that way and that you’re not punishing him for something he most likely is saddened happened in that important moment for you.

    Sending you love OP. ♥️


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