Meriee-Barbier online sex chats for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Meriee-Barbier online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Bruh it's your car. This ain't bein controllin, you're asking about when you'll get an expensive piece of YOUR property back.

    He can bitch about control when he's haulin his own ass around with his own car.

  2. It’s interesting that you claim you’re a know-it-all, because in the instance you listed you didn’t know the correct facts and you argued about it anyway. Are you a person who knows a lot, or a person who is addicted to arguing and being “right?” Another question: do you feel satisfied when someone drops the conversation after you’ve argued your side, and think that somehow proves you were correct? Or do you drop the subject only when you actually verify the facts? This might help you understand if you are just interested in “winning” or if you’re just very focused on what’s correct and lack some social grace.

    Your wording about how you’ve been “burned before” by people being wrong about the facts is interesting. That phrase is used when someone has been betrayed. Someone being wrong about something isn’t a slight against you. You’re also being a little hypocritical there because you claim this behavior of yours stems in part from being affected by people who are overly confident in their wrong information, but that’s exactly how you behaved towards your girlfriend.

  3. Trust me, there's almost definitely no misogyny fueling your husbands response to the gender, he probably just invisioned being a father to a boy, not a girl. It takes a bit of getting used to, especially if you've started putting together a certain image in your mind of what parenthood will be like (which, by the way, is never remotely accurately either!). From what you've said, he isn't denying your unborn daughter, he's simply expressing that he would have liked a son.

    With my first, I knew I would have preferred a boy. I wanted a boy because I am not the girliest girl, and felt I would struggle to meet the needs of my daughter if she turned out to be extremely feminine. It was silly, I would have managed of course, but in my mind I just couldn't see myself having a girl first – I am not sexist, I am not a misogynist, I just always saw myself as a mother to a boy.

    I never admitted this to anybody and just wanted a healthy baby, as we'd had a loss previously. As luck would have it, it was a boy, and you could see the pure subconscious elation when we found out the gender.

    Fast forward to baby number 2, it was the opposite. I was happy with either as a brother would be good for my son, where as a daughter would be a totally new experience. When I saw it was a boy, I was shocked. Not sad, not disappointed, just shocked, because I was convinced it was a girl. Despite not caring either way, I found myself grappling with some odd feelings – I knew this would be our last baby and I felt robbed of an experience I have never really been that bothered about (having a daughter). I knew there were things I would be unlikely to experience (at least, organically) because its unlikely we'll ever have a girl now.

    What I'm trying to say is….preference for a particular gender in my case did not come from a place of superiority or dislike of one or the other – it came from my personal insecurities of what I felt I could manage as a parent. Perhaps your husband wanted a son because he knew he'd have a lived experience of what it is to be male, and could therefore have more of an hand in how your son is raised.

    You're right in not assuming that your husband is a misogynist pig, and I really don't know where all those accusations are coming from.

  4. The original post had a tone suggesting that because he’s the only one working outside the home he should be able to control the situation.

    The post is deleted now, so I can't see exactly what he said. But the way I read it was more that he brought that up in response to his wife assuming he should not have any say at all. He made it pretty clear in the comments that outside of this issue, he generally views her as a good parent and that he views them as equals. Maybe he could have worded the post better, but it doesn't mean he thinks his job is more important than hers.

    Between that and his insistence that she’s acting crazy and unreasonable leads me to believe that he thinks it shouldn’t be a conversation at all, that he should be able to make the final call.

    As for him thinking she's being unreasonable, I can see why he feels that way. Currently, he's not been getting a good night's sleep for months from having to sleep on the couch, so the baby can sleep in his bed. But the baby has a perfectly good crib, so he feels like he's losing out on sleep for no reason. The fact that he is the breadwinner and they are relying on his income to survive is all the more reason why he needs as much sleep as possible so he can perform his job well.

    Also, more importantly, the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics advise against bed sharing with a baby under 12 months old because it call kill them. So I do think they should listen to the professional opinion and what their doctor would say to do, and that it shouldn't need to be a conversation. Just like getting your baby vaccinated and putting them into a safe carseat shouldn't need to be a conversation.

  5. Exactly this. OP’s gf is grappling with “I wasn’t worth changing for,” and she’s probably overall just SO angry with herself for wasting so much of her time with this ex, who didn’t value her, and she’s grieving for how badly she failed herself and how deeply she regrets betraying herself to stay with that ex for so long. It’s not about feelings for the ex at all, except negative feelings.

  6. How long have you been together? If it were me I would've ended it the first time she was unfaithful.

    You are letting your fear of being single keep you locked into a relationship where you can't trust your SO. Relationships don't work without trust.

    If you want to stay with her – because she cheated in the past she loses some right to privacy. You should bring up your feelings to her and express that you feel like you can't trust her. Ask to have access to her phone. Usually I'm against that but if there has been unfaithfulness before I think it's valid.

  7. Another introvert here and I’m also at a loss. GF states the fact that interacting with OP is mentally/emotionally draining and she… loses her shit?

    Yes, too much interaction with anyone makes me want to take a break but this is an overreaction straight from bizzarro world.

  8. I've been paid to sing many, many times. I would never say that to anyone I loved. She is believing her own local hobby theatrical reviews. pish!

  9. There is absolutely no way I’d have her at the most important day of my life. That’s the ultimate betrayal OP. I’m so sorry you went through that and glad you found something better. Have the best wedding day with the people you love ?


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