Amber-disney online sex chats for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “Amber-disney online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I think you're being too hot to her. Obviously when people are being blamed they will try to defend themselves. She probably was trying her best. Being a single mother is hard. I assume you're old enough now to start making your own life. Your past was unfortunate, but at some point being angry and dwelling on something that you can't change is not going to help. Blaming others tends to put the onus on others. Your mother can't do anything for you now. Being mean to her helps neither of you. Focus on making your life better. Good luck!

  2. Sorry but you don't own her and you need to get over it.

    If it were like, 6 months ago and you'd been together for a decade, I would completely understand but it was a short-lived relationship TWO YEARS AGO.

    Look, the dude came to you first. He showed you that respect. You being surly about a girl you dated literally years ago is not showing him any respect.

  3. My question for you is why were you treating these people like royalty or they won a prize? I know they were escaping a war but you didn't bring them as equals or guests. It appears they may feel you were babying them.

    Did they feel like you were showing off?

  4. 9 years together and bringing up her past again for no reason, kinda sounds like this is what the fiance wanted make a big fuss to get something or to get an exit either way hes angling for something is what I would bet money on.


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