Roxy-Ryders on-line webcams for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “Roxy-Ryders on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. So you’re saying that I should just leave it right? I haven’t done anything yet, she hasn’t heard from me in months. I’m just kinda thinking about it.

  2. Why live! this way? Tell him you are going to move out. If you can’t sleep and enjoy life, what the point in have a nice house. He’s being cheap and unreasonable to assuage his anxiety and you are bearing the brunt of it.

  3. All I'm getting from this is he doesn't respect you.

    He lies. Admitted to talking shit about you. He's shifty about this girl. Doesn't actually give you answers just talks around it (from what's provided). He could be cheating, he could be playing both sides, but it's hard to say.

    He's weird. Aside from everything else, how could you trust someone who wouldn't defend you when someone said something incorrect? To add to that they further encouraged it by joining in and adding more fuel to the fire.

    Did you ever get your apology from her? No? Neither of them care.

    You could try another sit down and talk about it all, get to the bottom of his relationship with her and don't let him give non-answers. It's your decision to ask him to fix his behaviour, but the outlook is not optimistic.

  4. It's not a red flag. It's just he has no plans of getting married to you, or having kids with you. This means you have no future with him.

    So you options are: 1. You just have fun with him until you decide its no longer fun and break up. 2. You accept you have no future and don't want to spend another year in a relationship and break up.

    Ultimately, you will break up with him, or he with you, because he doesn't see a future with you like you would see with him.

  5. what do you mean this is par for the course in private ??

    like a mutually agreed upon sexual dynamic, or just RANDOM SLAPPING AND SPITTING ?

  6. Id be gone to be honest. Its not your job to watch his daughter while he is at work.. Sure the odd time is cool and would be good bonding with her, but all of the time and hes not even there to help? He should change the schedule around to have the daughter when he is actually available. Im sure your life is much easier without him in it and your teenage kids probably arent big fans of the set up either.

  7. If it helps, I ended my relationship after “discussion” of a published article I found interesting. Can't even remember what it was on anymore. He would state something completely wrong, I would go “well, no, because…” and explain. And instead of, you know, understanding, he would jump to the completely opposite point of view because I guess he figured that one must be right then. It wasn't. Obviously.

    My dad calls it someone else “trying to think with my brain”. I think that's accurate.

    It took me some weeks after that discussion but I was done. I can absolutely respect, befriend and enjoy company of stupid people. But I know myself now. I cannot date them.

  8. so let me get this straight …

    he stayed in a motel room with his ex-girlfriend platonically. nothing sexual or romantic occurred. however, he did not inform you of the fact that he was hanging out with his ex-girlfriend platonically in a hotel room — but don't worry, nothing to hide.

    oh, and they didn't communicate. they don't talk. they just miraculously wound up with the same room key.

    ABSOLUTELY NOT, OP. he's 100% lying and i'm glad you know that. please respect and love yourself enough to gtfo of this relationship.


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