Anitataylor online webcams for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “Anitataylor online webcams for YOU!

  1. I do think you should talk to your best friend about it and see what she has to say. Just like you said, your husband gifted her something very intimate, she probably did feel uncomfortable but you’ll never know unless you talk with her. I don’t think you should just let this go because it’s going to be in the back of your mind and you’re obviously bothered by it so you need to communicate what you’re feeling as well. I think your husband needs to apologize to her as well, he crossed a boundary because he didn’t communicate with you, and he didn’t even think if something like that would make you or her uncomfortable. Communication is key!

  2. If you can do it yourself then do it yourself. You clearly aren't, otherwise she wouldn't feel the need to go in and do it.

    Simple solution: tidy your room – to your mums standard – before going to your boyfriends.

  3. Is he 12?

    WHY are you apologizing for something he did? What is wrong with this scenario?

    You wouldnt have hit him if he didnt assault you. Can you see that? You dont apologize for that.

  4. I think it’s funny that you’re taking my comments as “tense”. I’m not, but keep projecting, I guess?

  5. Non taken, yes. Her kindness and empathy has made her gone oblivious and naive. I'm guessing she's getting taken advantage of cuz of her kindness. I'm also lowkey scared about her safety first and foremost

  6. If you’re that depressed you are not Rattling other men in your new fancy undies believe me. You are being used and lied to and cheated on. Dude. You need to kick this loser out.


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