Isabella on-line sex chats for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “Isabella on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. And ehat other evidence is here? Nothing. If you are honest she will say he just makes it up because he is sad and from there he has nothing up his sleeve. He needs to ask about it without spilling how he knows it and how much he knows.

  2. This guy isn't this incompetent yeah? He holds down a job, got an education. He's shown he can be held accountable right? So why is it not his problem in his own living space? Because you enable him.

    He's an awful pet owner and partner.

    Leave. Take the cat. Stop wasting your time on him someone who is adamant against change and equality in a relationship.

  3. Quick, think of something that you'd like his advice about – a new game that you'd like to buy, something wrong with your car, a uni class he took last semester that you might want to take next year, etc. That can be your excuse for why you texted him last night.

    You don't need to feel guilty about your crush. Feelings are feelings, you can't control them. But you CAN control how you act on them, and IMO it's inappropriate for you to tell your presumably straight friend that you are starting to like him as more than a friend. He knows you are gay, and if he was questioning his own sexuality, I think you would have been one of his go-to sources for talking it out. Since he hasn't done that, I think it's safe to assume that if he acts straight and dates and/or fantasizes about girls, he's probably straight. Occam's razor. Your confession would put him in an awkward position, and it could possibly make him question whether you only befriended him because you've been hot for him from the beginning. Don't go there, it won't end well.

    The best way to get over an inappropriate crush is to refocus your romantic attention on someone else. If you have a LBGTQ club or affinity group in your community, consider getting more active and attending some of their social events. If not, consider getting active on the dating apps. You may not find your long-term Mr. Right on the apps, but you can probably find a Mr. Right Now who meets your general standards. Talking to other gay or bi men, and setting up dates with the ones you find promising, will distract you from thinking these unwanted thoughts about your friend.

    The other way to manage your feelings is to put some distance between you and this friend temporarily, until you can regain your equilibrium and truly be a platonic friend again. Try to avoid one-on-one hangouts and convos for a while, although it's fine to see him in group settings.

  4. I hear what you're saying and I agree completely on that the blame is on the guy. But if we move past the blaming phase, I think the most important thing is to keep OP (and anybody else in that situation) safe in the future.

    My concern is on the people who feel ashamed or shy about vocalizing their needs in bed. There should be no assuming or hoping that the other person knows what you mean, it's crucial to say the words out loud so that bad situations don't occur because the other person was thick in the head.

    Obviously there are still predators and bad people out there who wouldn't listen even when you are vocal, but let's at least get rid of the misunderstandings.

  5. Well….giving her post hx, I think this boyfriend is more interested in avoiding being confronted by a pissed off gf than he is about OPs feelings. Last year, shortly after he told this girl he will fuck her whenever she wants, he snuck off to go swimming with her and others and lied about it. It wasn’t until the girl posted videos on her social media that he could no longer deny it. Then this time around he scapegoats OP as the reason not to go.

    IDK, when I think of a loving man who is protective of my feelings, the following things do not come to my mind. A. Allowing an old flame to flirt and then telling old flame he wants to have sex with her whenever she wants. B. Sneaking off to go swim with old flame, then lying to me and getting another friend to cover for him. C. Using me as the primary excuse for not going swimming this year.

  6. Most people I know or read about that are a cis-het couple and have a mutually successful sex life, make sure that the woman orgasms (at least once) before the man does. I had had relationships like the one you describe, and when I met my husband, I knew I wanted a life with him and I knew that if I didn’t come out of the gates expecting an orgasm it would be very hot to fix. In one of the first dozen times we had sex, my then bf finished and was, well, finished. I just kept being all over him and he said, he was done and I acted like I had no idea what he was talking about and was like, “well, after I’m done maybe we can get some lunch.” And I’ve never gone without orgasms since. It took all I had because I was raised to be a pushover. But I wanted this man long term and I didn’t want to resent him.


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