Meelanny1 on-line sex cams for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “Meelanny1 on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. You could go back, just for your own peace of mind so you know that you did ALL you could have done.

    Said that warn him, you will be gone for good at the first sings of disrespect from him and his parents, make sure you tell him what you expect from this relationship and if your needs are not meet, you will leave for good, you can also make a letter so you can address and remember exactly what you want to say.

    Whatever you do, do it thinking of your baby, he deserves the best. Good luck!

  2. I'd like to point out that there's a magic that some women have, where their personality is open and loving, to the point where it can be nude to resist taking it personally. And imho, the best way to handle it, is to love having them as a friend while maintaining all of the usual boundaries.

  3. I have tried so hot to support him for such a long time, but I have a feeling that this was just a manipulation tactic, I explained this to his mother and told her that with me is not the best place for him to be. I’m such a caring person but this strikes me as off, I don’t need to be around this currently as I have the baby to think about. At least I’ve been able to recognise Im not a good support system to him & re direct him to someone that can help.

  4. OP I recommend forcing her to pay a 50/50 share in all costs, as well as 50/50 amount of effort into errands and chores.

    If she refuses, ask her why she is fine with living life as if you were her parent. She's acting like a lazy teenager and is exploiting you to get a free pass through half of her life. It would be really different if y'all had kids, but you don't! She has no excuse to be leaning on you this nude!

    OP, if this continues, you will literally be working hours out of your life so that she doesn't have to, while she is perfectly capable of working.


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