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17 thoughts on “Ebano-rios live! webcams for YOU!

  1. You should base a relationship on the person. How they treat you and others, things like that. A piece of paper won’t matter if they treat you like crap. As far as financial matters there are many jobs out there that pay really good that doesn’t require a degree. I would consider it shallow to base a relationship on weather somebody has a degree. But that’s me.

  2. You shouldn’t get married. Clearly you aren’t ready or mature enough to commit to your fiancé and if all it takes is an old fling coming back in the fray it’s going to end terribly.

    You’re young and obviously want to be out there more so break it off, apologize, don’t make him foot the bill 100%, give him the ring back, and move on.

  3. Nothing wrong with this at all. Nobody’s entitled to give gifts to anyone and honestly i’d care more about spending time with family vs giving gifts.

  4. I can understand that, but how do you see this working out? You stay together when you don't trust him. Everytime he is on his phone this will linger in the back of your mind. You deserve better.

  5. this is a fundamentally incompatible relationship. do not have a baby you don't want. do not continue being dishonest with her, and let her find someone that wants to start a family with her before it's too late. there is no compromising on this issue.

  6. Thank you everyone who commented and gave me advice I really really appreciate it, I’m sorry I wasn’t expecting this many replies to my post hah I am gonna try and answer as many of questions your here. I’m living with his parents because I had already moved in with him at his parents house before he went to prison and even before he went to prison it was always the same thing with him getting upset with me wanting to visit my parents. I did want to move back with my own parents when he had to go last year but I figured it would be easier on both of us if I just stayed with his parents, just less stress and less arguing which I realize now that it’s a stupid reason. I moved in with him a week after I turned 18, my parents were very very controlling and emotionally abusive to me so I just wanted to get out of there as soon as I could, we’ve since worked on our relationship and it’s better now. I kinda thought I was going crazy, there would be things he’d get upset and mad at me for and say I betrayed him and his trust that I never once in my life before I knew him would have considered a betrayal towards him. Just an example of one of the things, watching a show or a movie that contains someone taking off their shirt, not porn, just a normal movie or whatever. I didn’t consider that to be betrayal because my parents never acted like that or said things like that with each other. Anyways sorry I’m getting off topic. I did have friends when I met him, eventually I cut ties with all of them because he didn’t really like them so you guys were right about that. I’ve been wanting a job for a very long time now, I could have gotten one, I should have. I’ve talked to him about it, he’s just very insecure, he’s said I could get one now but when he says things like that likes to see if I will do what I want or know that even though he said it was okay that I still shouldn’t. For example, again I was going to my parents, I like to do my makeup, it’s not for anyone else it’s for me because I like it and I’ve told him this. Anyways he doesn’t like when I wear it because he thinks it’s so I can impress other men or something, once he told me he doesn’t care if I wear it and to go ahead and wear it, so I did, he asked if I wore it I said yes and he went onto say that even if he says something like that I should know that’s not how he actually feels. I know, it’s just getting more and more controlling as I keep going on. I honestly did not realize how bad it really has gotten, I just felt guilty and kinda hated myself because I felt horrible about everything and I felt like a terrible person. I have broken up with him twice when we first started dating because I couldn’t mentally handle him, I think he just kinda manipulated me into thinking I was the problem. I’m not going to say why he is in prison be I will say it kinda happened as a result of me breaking up with him the second time. I think I just got so depressed and lost my own self respect because he’s made me feel that everything is my fault, he’s cheated on me not physically but I’ve caught him sexting soo many other women and I stayed with him because he told me he only did those things because of the things I did. Let me be clear, I have never sexted anyone else or cheated or did remotely anything to the extent that he has done during our relationship. I love him, he’s my best friend, even though he’s hurt me literally so many times it’s just so fucking nude it sucks. I know now it will probably never get better, I know what I have to do. Thank you everyone for being honest with me, you made me realize a lot of things thank you so much

  7. This is horrifying! This man love bombed you, manipulated you, and pushed you to do things that you were clearly uncomfortable with. This man is a horrible person that has no respect for you and will continue to put you into uncomfortable and compromising positions. Please please leave this relationship! You deserve so much better than this!

  8. My boyfriend and I were not each others first choices. We met in college, were friends and both dated other people. I wasn’t attracted to him at all back then. But the more I got to know him, the more I saw what a wonderful person and friend he was. I saw the way he treated other people, family, friends (including me), even animals. It changed the way I saw him. After years of failed live dating, I realized this brilliant, funny, calm introverted scientist was who I had been looking for all along. It caught me by surprise. He is the love of my life and if I could go back and do it again, I’d do it the same. Feelings change. Try not to overthink this!

  9. I'd recommend focussing your attention on potential partners who are not your current friend's girlfriend. Feeding the drama will do nobody any good.

  10. You apologized, now you just have to drop it and hope she's still into you. Give her a little time and space to come back around. Worst case, things don't work out and you find someone else to be into later – and there was about an 85%+ chance of that happening anyway cause teenage love is a fickle beast.

    Sidenote: this will be hilarious to you someday, and it'll be a great story if you're ever consoling someone about a bad date after it becomes hilarious to you. Trust me.

  11. Yeah I've been thinking about that, and like… I mean who really needs that much barrier? You're hopefully gonna wash your hands thoroughly anyway

  12. I agree but it would be an extremely uncomfortable conversation regardless of the answer and I am looking for more subtle solutions I suppose.

  13. Yikes, I'd keep the guy around but before you become official I'd strongly suggest therapy or relationship counseling


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