Lisalovehot on-line sex cams for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “Lisalovehot on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. If you have the guys actual name the solution is simple (and completely gut wrenching). You simply tell her “I know all about James(or whatever his name actually is) and I would like to hear your side of the story.” This is crucial give exactly zero details except enough information to identify him.

    Then let silence do it’s thing. Do not interrupt. Do not assume she has told you everything. It is natural for someone to tell limited truth to try to satisfy the situation. Sit in silence listening and always expecting more to the story. Wait until she say “that’s all of it” or something similar before you ask “are you sure you didn’t leave anything out?”

    Then depending on her story you take it from there. Lies are a burden on a normal person. Getting the truth out can be a relief but they are also scared of it. If you can keep yourself from reacting like it is new information until the end, natural human instinct will typically pull the story out of her. It doesn’t always work but 75% of time it works every time. Good luck and I hope the information is something you can cope with.

  2. Leave the relationship. Have some respect for yourself and walk out while you have a little bit of dignity left. Find someone who values you and the relationship.

  3. So I’m guessing the majority of her assets were accumulated before you married? So it makes sense that she’d want to leave her assets that she made before you to her kids.

    That said I totally get the feeling of her bypassing you. You didn’t mention a house – do you guys own one? Does she have assets outside of the 401k that would be to you? (For example my brokerage and HSA account and iras are around 10-20% of my investments.) Does her ss benefit you at all? Would taking out another life insurance policy help to cover expenses?

    Basically I think you’re not evil to bring up what happens to you if you die first and how you two should account for that. But asking for her to will 100% to you would fall under evil – if she does that you could decide after she dies to not give her kids a penny when you die.

  4. You decided to reconcile, and as a part of that reconciliation, you didn't have her cut that guy out of her life!?


  5. Most abusers do not become abusive until pregnancy or after marriage, because you’re finally “trapped”.

    My advice would be to listen to others and seek help for DV

  6. is the fact that he mentioned that he’s afraid of what his Facebook friends would think of our relationship.

    Can you blame him? You're less than half his age, of course people in his life are going to comment and hudge.

    At nearly 50 and you barely in your 20's there's no way you two are on the same page in the slightest.

  7. It sounds like he has made and is making every effort to cheat on you. I empathize that you love him even as he hurts you, but trust is not easily built even though it is easy (for some) to destroy.

    If he were my partner, it would be over. If he were my sisters husband, I'd recommend she leave him as well.

  8. You want her in your life because she moved on and you didn’t. You’re making it worse by continuing to spend time with her. Find new people or find your own passions.

    It’s difficult to do but it’ll make you feel a lot better than pining after a one-sided relationship.

  9. Showing up on a date with a hickey would be a little odd, they're easy to cover up. If you like her, I'd just ignore it unless it happens again and assume it was a blemish or something.

    Asking seems like a bad move if you're interested in future dates.

  10. she has no case bc it was a marriage so the husband has as much right to the cat as she is. and he gave away the cat freely. at most, it would be a civil case which cost next to nothing to the accused. obviously they already have attachment to the cat or else they would have return it already. OP would be wasting her time and money.

  11. Like the other comment said, it could be keif.

    If not, there’s two reasons; once off thing that he happens to have at the moment – or – addiction.

    Either way, it seems like he has put a bit of effort to drill into you and your brother that drugs aren’t ok. Maybe it is from experience. He seems like a good guy, especially if he’s been battling this addiction for quite some time, he’s made sure to never let you guys know. Or be let down.

    Could be jumping to conclusions though, you should speak with him about it.

  12. Just because she isn't abusive like your ex doesn't mean this is a good relationship.

    It sounds like you're putting in more effort than she is and that needs to be addressed. Talk to her about you feel and that you'd appreciate if she made time to plan more dates and reach out more.

    If things don't change, you move on to find someone who will put in the effort.

  13. If she's that special and you really want to pursue something with this woman then those things won't matter.

    While that is an age gap your parents will definitely point out, it's not the worst gap that's been talked about on here and I think your parents will understand if you're honest about how much you like this girl. I would be careful though as there will likely be a difference in both your values and opinions as 22 and 33 are significantly different stages in somebody's life.

    Introducing them to her further down the line (definitely don't do this too early on, wait until she's a girlfriend first) should put their mind at ease if they're reasonable people and she's a good person.

    The smoking is a non-issue imo, sure its unhealthy and I get that some are against it, but if they really want to kick up a fuss about her smoking then it sounds like their problem and they'll have to cope.

    Just pursue this girl and see where it goes. It may fizzle out and you won't even have to worry about your family knowing. But if it's right for you, then any good parent will be able to see the change in you and how happy you are when around this girl.

    Good luck man


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