AlinaMurrrr on-line webcams for YOU!

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4 thoughts on “AlinaMurrrr on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Maybe not cheated but she clearly recognized the way people are going to see her actions and judge her.

  2. When you know what you want , don't settle for anything less. It hurts , but forgive yourself and let it and him go. So you made a mistake, you're only human. it happens.

  3. Ask her why? Assuming this celebrity notices her and start to increase their contact when will she stop. How much is too much according to her. If she can't give cohesive and respectful towards you answer making contact with him a deal breaker is not only correct, but necessary.

    You can also slip in question which one of you is more important and insist on getting direct answer from her. She will likely tell it's you, but if you will need to drag it out of her then you have a problem.

    Further you need to tell her even though he is celebrity anything inappropriate with regular man is inaprioriate with him. Although you should admit that dancing alone might not be crossing the line, but you are afraid it might escalate and should it happen it will be fatal for your relationship. There should be no exveptions or special celebrities you are allowed to cheat or be inappriopriate with.

    Also how much of her/your budget her gifts to him consume?

  4. We don't know that he hasn't been pitching a tent (and if he's a dude, it has happened – he just thinks nobody saw it)

    I think the mom is getting some vibes and she's trying to walk the line between not overreacting to “just vibes” and stupidly ignoring them altogether.

    The vibes are exactly what most of these “American prudes” are picking up on and reacting to. OP might not be a creep, but he is giving off strong creep vibes. And he isn't listening to anybody, after asking and not getting the answer he wanted. He won't try to learn, so he will grow stronger creep vibes as time goes on.

    Asking the daughter directly was creepy for lots of reasons. Classic grooming ploy. “You're almost an adult, and your mom shouldnt speak for you. So I wanted to ask you directly….See? We understand each other, you and me. Your mom doesn't 'get it'.”

    It doesn't matter if that isn't how he said it. He made sure that on the adult subject of nudity, they are aligned on the same side, opposite Mom.

    If I were Mom, I would hope they hadn't picked up those empty boxes yet because we would be moving out.


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