Alisha-Prada live! sex cams for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “Alisha-Prada live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Could be your algorithm and location that presented it to you. Won’t be the same results for everyone. No one is asking you for a clinic name, just proof of that you’re saying is true—which is fair and reasonable.

  2. Why are you with this jerkoff? And no, bodycount does not matter in the least. He has literally shown you he does not consider women equals. They are just things for him to fuck.

  3. I’m sorry man, but there’s no fixing this relationship. She’s not even bi, she’s lesbian. She’s been feeling things are off/missing for a long time. She’s already gone. I’m truly sorry because while she’s been processing for a while, this is all fresh for you and I know it hurts. But you need to let this go.

    You should make your kids and your own life your priority. Keep divorce amicable if you can. Get an attorney to help, but there’s no need to be nasty if you can avoid it. Work out a custody and/or child support arrangement. Work out where you’ll both on-line. Get yourself (and your kids possibly) some therapy. Learn a new hobby. Go out there and thrive. I know you’re not there yet but someday you’ll meet someone else who is fantastic for you. Be ready when that happens 🙂

  4. Reading your comments it seems like one of the big reasosn you want to get back together is BECAUSE of the baby, you seem to think you will never get a chance on your own and this is your 'only chance'. I know two people, very well, who have severe endometriosis to the point of having to have a portion of bowel removed. One of them even has PCOS as well. They both have two children now. And even if they didn't, there is IVF, Adoption, surrogacy, etc. Don't base your choice on this acting as a 'one true chance' etc. You'll have more options, make sure it's yours and not a connection you are going to regret. The relationship you have with this man seems to be little more than 'teenage fling'. You will likely regret it.

  5. None of what he’s doing is a prank, or a joke, or even helpful. It’s bullying, abusive, and psychological torture. You’ve only been married to this nut job for a year, please get the hell away from him now before he starts actually physically hurting you.

  6. You are really overlooking stuff because you believe he’s a good catch. I think you may be the insecure one.

    The summary is I’ve been dating this guy for a month. And he’s been unbelievably awful to me at least three times. I for some reason believe he’s actually sweet because he can be sweet but he’s made me cry and feel terrible multiple times in this month.

    Will that get better? Or can I change him?

    No and no.

    Will it get worse ?


  7. “Either you let me chop that foreskin, or you must convert to a religion where you think chopping that foreskin is the right thing to do!”

  8. this exact same situation happened to me with my 68 year old married work mentor.. he ended up hitting on me, confessing feelings towards me, and sexually harassing me for months. i went to HR, with a mountain of hot evidence too (text messages, him putting meetings on my calendar for no reason etc)

    but because he was a VP at my firm while i was a mere senior analyst…. well a month after going to HR i (a superstar employee by all measures) was “laid off due to covid.”

    i ended up winning a big settlement out of it, but this whole situation helped end my marriage too, it was all a huge deal for me.

    so yeah i agree, this guy knows exactly what he is doing and this relationship they have is a very slippery slope.


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