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12 thoughts on “Briannalorens online webcams for YOU!

  1. And obviously at no point did your husband or baby daughter enter your mind. Selfish and unforgivable to be honest. You’ve been married 2 years and cheating already. Think of the consequences of your actions before you actually act.

  2. Girl leave him. If he wasn’t so sure of your relationship then the marriage shouldn’t have happened.

    Please seek a lawyer for divorce and custody/child support. A man that won’t be all in in any aspect is a man not worth to be with.

    Not to mention the gross amount of disrespect he’s showing you about your se life

  3. End your relationship with your boyfriend. That relationship has no chance of being repaired.

    Tell your mom everything. She is best suited to help guide you through this horrible time.

    I’m terribly sorry you have to deal with this.

  4. Somebody very rightly in the comments pointed out polyamorous is a lifestyle not sexuality. May it codependence or love but you need to go back to monogamy or have to be content sharing your bf with her. Anyway somebody always get hurt. You are the one currently hurting rn. End the polyamorous and go back to monogamy. You can't have both.

  5. The answer isn’t other people, it never is. Looking up other stories here may help you to see that. I was being sarcastic by telling you to do that before but you seem to not actually want to have an excuse to cheat but are struggling. So with that I will say actually look them up and see how if you actually acted on your thoughts what it could be like.

  6. Thank you so much for this, you are amazing. Reading this made me feel… better is the wrong word. But more confident. Gah, this sucks.

  7. I want to know what to say to him when I speak to him

    I call this a “magic words” post, where OP is looking for magic words to suddenly make her bf understand. If he doesn't understand by now how disrespectful he is to your relationship by allowing this girl to behave this way, there are no magic words that will make him understand.

  8. The only thing he said about it was that they have a lot to learn. I’m not sure he’s really taken a stance on this.


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