He's not in love, he would have been so hurt he would have cried in private not answered to her nothing and run to you out of the blue to tell you how beautiful you are in his eyes and how grateful he feels to have you.
He should go to a doctor to see if there is anything physically wrong first. If he is against doing anything to help himself , you need to decide if you can continue on like this. It's not magically gonna fix itself.
Depending on his value to you… If he's worth the fight…
Your man needs to learn about boundaries. Starting to draw boundaries can help. The first thing you need to know is if he's capable of respecting boundaries because if he's not then he will constantly cave. If that's the case then it might be best to have a chat about your true feelings so he can decide if he wants to adjust his methods. I would think he would understand if his girlfriend doesn't want to be second to a drama queen at least…. Honestly you need to figure out his stance on this. Some girls are just attention seeking like this and that's how they feel loved. Regardless though you need to sit down and decide what the deal breakers are and figure out if those deal breakers drill be a issue in the future.
It's not about jealousy, it's about how much of a relationship you can have with a dude that let's a friend between the two of you constantly. He needs to learn about boundaries and respect and some people can NEVER comprehend that what boundaries they have are toxic.
I am in the midst right now redefining boundaries for 3 relationships and it's exhausting if you're not a natural.
Yes she might be a covert lover, who cares though. She's toxic and if you approach this with logic and respect at all times it would be hard to imagine him pinning you as jealous. But if he's got issues which he might considering he can't see the problem here… You probably have a lot of discussing and explaining to do to get him to get it.
Sounds really sweet.. I wouldn’t overthink it.
He's not in love, he would have been so hurt he would have cried in private not answered to her nothing and run to you out of the blue to tell you how beautiful you are in his eyes and how grateful he feels to have you.
He should go to a doctor to see if there is anything physically wrong first. If he is against doing anything to help himself , you need to decide if you can continue on like this. It's not magically gonna fix itself.
Depending on his value to you… If he's worth the fight…
Your man needs to learn about boundaries. Starting to draw boundaries can help. The first thing you need to know is if he's capable of respecting boundaries because if he's not then he will constantly cave. If that's the case then it might be best to have a chat about your true feelings so he can decide if he wants to adjust his methods. I would think he would understand if his girlfriend doesn't want to be second to a drama queen at least…. Honestly you need to figure out his stance on this. Some girls are just attention seeking like this and that's how they feel loved. Regardless though you need to sit down and decide what the deal breakers are and figure out if those deal breakers drill be a issue in the future.
It's not about jealousy, it's about how much of a relationship you can have with a dude that let's a friend between the two of you constantly. He needs to learn about boundaries and respect and some people can NEVER comprehend that what boundaries they have are toxic.
I am in the midst right now redefining boundaries for 3 relationships and it's exhausting if you're not a natural.
Yes she might be a covert lover, who cares though. She's toxic and if you approach this with logic and respect at all times it would be hard to imagine him pinning you as jealous. But if he's got issues which he might considering he can't see the problem here… You probably have a lot of discussing and explaining to do to get him to get it.
She is NOT responsible for your emotional or mental health. See a therapist.
That is…not how courts work whatsoever. You really think judges are like “well this person talked first so case closed I guess”?