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12 thoughts on “Angelica And Jose live webcams for YOU!

  1. I know things may seem daunting right now but give Yourself some time to mentally reflect and accept this new journey. During this time it's best to put him in the back of your mind and concentrate on your new future. Prepare yourself for the possibility that he may never come around. But through this You will find so much strength and happiness you never imagined you were capable of.

    I was 21, a full time college student with extended lab hours required daily and a part time job. I was told if I decided to have my son It would be on my own. We had the same friends and I saw him daily on campus with a big belly and he would completely look the other way. I did the entire 9 months alone.. I went to all appts alone, constructed all the furniture and prepared the nursery myself, morning sickness, midnight cravings, all while continuing to work and a full course load ending the semester 8.5 months pregnant with a 4.0. Yes it would have been easier to have the other person there but honestly I now cherish that time because it was so empowering and brought out a drive in me I didn't know was even possible. You don't want the stress and honestly if they don't want to be there it truly is their loss. You did your part trying to make him aware of the situation and that is all you can do besides file the proper paperwork later on. Surround yourself with positivity and peace and remember this could be the start of a beautiful new beginning. You got this!

  2. A tenet of Islam is that you reach out to your loved ones and preach about Islam. As with any other religion muslims believe theirs is the one true religion and thus the commandment is that you try and bring as many as you can to see the truth but it must be done in a tactful and respectful way.

    You cannot force your beliefs on someone else. You can supply them with resources so that they can learn. You answer any questions they have. You show good examples of other muslims. You give factual basis of why Islam is a true religion. You provide evidence. You acknowledge the ugly parts of the religion as well and explain it with the context behind them. And lots more.

    A big part of it is through demonstrating. Muslims are told to lead by example. Essentially “show them that you’re a better person because you’re Muslim and others will be inspired to learn about Islam on their own”.

    It sounds like your guy is taking this to the extreme. I get his reasoning behind pushing you because life after eternity is a thing in Islam and he wants you with him in his afterlife. But the way he is going about it is wrong and will only push you away further.

    I’ve seen you’ve given Islam a chance and have decided it’s not for you. Fair enough. Do not bend your wishes and beliefs for him. In Islam, you must only convert if you believe in Allah and the prophets and the teaching in the Quran. If you’re converting for anything else (aka your man) it doesn’t count and will probably end up backfiring. If your guy was a true believer he would know all this and thus not coerce you into it.

  3. Besides being the right thing to do, do it for the story.

    ”I like you, too. And you’re sure your husband knows you’re getting a divorce, right? Because one time a married woman lied to me about that for months, and when I found out, I told her husband.”

  4. Not unless you’re getting added to the deed of the house. If he’s willing to write up a contract that you’re entitled to any equity you put in, maybe, but honestly that’s still a pretty bad idea if you’re not married.

  5. he knows that you have difficulty with proprioception and leaves obstacles in places where you sit? that’s hella rude and childish. a good partner would be considerate out of the goodness of his heart. drinks clearly don’t go on couches and the fact that you have to ask this question makes me wonder what other shitty behavior he’s defining as “normal” and making you adapt to.

  6. NTA. He sounds childish, insecure, and controlling. Does he throw a fit everytime you do something without him? This is really concerning.

  7. She lacks a whole lot of maturity for a 26 year old. Financial responsibilities come before pleasures.

    If she makes you feel bad for trying to be responsible, then you've got alot to reconsider.


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