Moonlovee live! webcams for YOU!

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squirt show!ULTRA HIGH VIBE-177! [Multi Goal]

5 thoughts on “Moonlovee live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I was also irked by the title but you’ve obviously been receptive to the feedback so cheers to that.

    As for your man — try communicating in these ways:

    (1) don’t do it at the start of the day or in a nagging way. (2) let him know even if it doesn’t bother him, it is a bother to YOU. If he respects you, he should respect your wishes and your time. (3) show him exactly how he can remedy some of the things that bother you. EXACTLY. Where to put the shoes, how he can quickly clean his trimmings etc. (4) make cleaning accessible. Spend extra money on wipes or whatever. (5) in another avenue of clarity, try coming to an exact agreement of what needs to be done or a rotation of days etc. put something in writing.

    TLDR — approach the conversation in a context of setting him up for success. Don’t approach the conversation in a context of you piss me off and here’s how you suck. It might sound pedantic, but people really do pick up on these subtle differences and if the conversation is framed differently it can be much more successful

  2. The passivity really gets me.

    That's ironic given this is precisely what you're doing despite all the advice from the previous thread telling you to cut him off.

  3. So you are not satisfied in the bedroom compartment correct? Ever try sex toys or something along those lines ?

  4. I don’t have any family in the area, and all my friends here are his friends. I don’t trust any of them after what I’ve learned.

    I’ve been blaming my lack of desire for sex on medication, and he’s been fine with it. He just picks up extra “shifts” but I doubt this will work for much longer. I’m considering making up an emergency of why I need to go back to my country for a few months to buy more time.


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