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16 thoughts on “SteffaniaJhonson live webcams for YOU!

  1. She was intoxicated and doesn’t remember and was taken to a room by another person— in fact, people were concerned and stopped the activity because of the state she was in according to her story.

    She was assaulted and taken advantage of.

  2. You should be asking OP that. She did communicate.

    Also, that's s totally subjective opinion, personally I think women with pixie cuts are hot AF.

  3. That's against brocode. Once you date someone they are off limits to your bros unless they ask if you would be cool with it and you don't mind. I'd tell him how you feel and if he goes for it anyways, you can choose to not be friends with someone like that. It's true that you don't own either of them like a lot of comments suggest, but it is shitty to go for a buddy's ex if they aren't cool with it. There are hundreds of millions of women out there, it's not gonna kill him to not go for 1 of them.

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  5. Yup. My mom did this, my little brother was the “good” one and I was the bad one. But it fucked us both up, luckily as adults we realized that and didn't let it come between us.

  6. In the short term sure, but a culture of opt out is very different than opt in. Once it becomes regular to do it, the test may even be a badge of honor for young fathers. Proof that this is in fact your child. Ofc the relationship aspect of your comment is true, but that’s true regardless of the testing structure.

    As an example, when countries have citizens opt out of being an organ donor a lot more people end up doing it. Taking the action of saying “no, I don’t want this” is often just as much of a barrier as “yes, I do want this”

  7. Thank you for the advice! I will try to reframe in my mind. I do think he’s a wonderful, lovely person so far. I am going to keep trying to tie my focus onto that.

  8. Hahaha, you are following yourself. You are married to him and you want to make legal. Well he don't want to marry you, which means you are looking at two DIFFERENT FUTURES, how do you think that will workout for you?

    You are committing yourself to a 6 year plan that he's not committed to. I don't who the so call bread winner is , this is a bad situation for you to commit to.

  9. you don’t need to tell her. Plenty of people call family friends aunt or uncle. It’s really fine. If he is not planning to be in her life long term then he shouldn’t be around your kid though. She’s too young to know anything else.

  10. Girls take pics all the time. That’s not a red flag to me.

    The red flags are his friends horrible excuse and his wife’s total dismissal of having her naked pictures stolen.

  11. OP, you got sucked in because she is manipulative and also because this all happened slowly. Seeing only the red flags written out clean and concise, everyone can see that you need to get out of this relationship. However, none of us were there for the 80% of your relationship that didn’t involve these moments. You have seen the light and that is great, but, don’t blame yourself for not seeing it sooner. I am sure it wasn’t rant after rant about her abuse and weird continued love for her father despite these allegations. It was a comment here, and mention there, some well placed tears over there. I am glad you are leaving, truly, but try not to beat yourself up too much.

  12. Sounds like he sees it as a safe space for him to talk freely, and you need to stop trying to encroach let him have his space and quite frankly you need to grow up


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