Vanessa live webcams for YOU!

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Tell me the last erotic thought you had 🙂

15 thoughts on “Vanessa live webcams for YOU!

  1. TLDR: He won't forgive me so I am scared to face the consequences of my actions. If you already know his answer then that makes you even more selfish. You only seem to care about yourself, sadly.

  2. regret later

    You can always try for another kid. Getting rid of a kid you already have is much more difficult. Get out of her business like that and support her instead of only accepting her decisions if they make sense to you. This isn’t about you.

  3. Of course not. Things get better. You have to resolve to prove everybody wrong. If it’s harder for you, work harder to overcome your obstacles. That’s something you can control.

  4. 32 and never had a relationship. We had a lot of deep conversations before and one was about his relationship with people. I remember he mentioned he's had 2 flings before that lasted a couple of months so he might possibly have had possibly had sex, but that's something I've never asked.

    I'm very close to him, but he has a strong argumentive personality so I try to stay away from making comments that would leave us in that situation when it's not necessary. I don't know his parents, and from what I know he doesn't have any close friends. He left all his friends behind once he moved to the city and doesn't know anyone. I would say I'm the only emotionally close friendship he has (if it even exists anymore) and everyone else is more for activities and convenience.

    So yes, you are right. I know this is something I wouldn't be able to reach him with. I can tell him my opinion, but I do not want to try to convince him of anything. It's not my place to break them up. In the end it's his choice and his life and if this makes him happy then so be it. However, it does affect me because I feel it is a loss.

    I think my only two options left are to have a talk with him and cut it off (which I have trouble doing) or to slowly stop responding overall. I'd just feel bad leaving him wondering what ever happened if I pick the latter. If I chose the first option, I already know hell will break loose. His gf loves drama and it's a guarantee multiple people will somehow get involved and I don't want that for the group.

  5. I hope you come to learn that being in good relationships means cutting people like this out of your life. You’re young so you’re still learning. Please realize that this guys is bad news and when people act like this you drop them out of your life. I absolutely promise you that dumping insecure people who would lambast you for liking a celebrity and intentionally ruining the night will never end up in your regrets list.

  6. ah, ok, i see. yes I think I was too concerned with social graces and stuff like that. because some of the time he's doing this around other people (probably deliberately) and i dont want to make a scene and act weird so then after i leave, they ask him, “what's with her” and he gets to tell THAT person his version of events too. that is literally one thought i had one time when i “entertained” a bit of small talk before i had the opportunity to sneak away quietly

  7. How is a guy that you barely know, because all he wants is sex or to pout about sex for 2 years the love of your life?

  8. It doesn’t sound like your needs are being met. You’ve communicated that and he hasn’t changed anything. And now he’s saying you’re not allowed to watch porn when he watches it every day? Yikes. Don’t let him disrespect and control you like that.

    I’m not gonna jump to telling you to break up with him because that’s a decision you should come to on your own. But I will say that you need to consider what I outlined above and whether you are okay with that. If nothing were to change, could you deal with that moving forward?

  9. Just leave!

    He sabotages your future, he isolates you, and he verbally/emotionally abuses you!

    How many more red flags do you need! Do you need a Communist Parade to clue you in?!

  10. So not telling someone abt being a sex worker and then not caring when they’re upset it okay to you? I feel bad for whoever has to date you

  11. How long ago did you have your child?

    With everything you outlined (open tech policy, couples therapy, him being a good partner and father, coming to terms with sex/porn addiction) it seems like you are doing everything you should be and the only other ingredient you need is time.

    I will say if your pregnancy and long term commitment to each other was unplanned he may have gone through a transition period before coming to terms with his new life.

    Give it time and focus on all the effort you see him making. Also do not tolerate if he goes back to using apps behind your back

  12. And he didnt pursue her..he already moved on with you.

    Come on OP, you actually better than her in terms of age, her looks will fade in a few years while you are still young.

    So get into that sexy outfit and upkeep yourself…that is all there is to it…keep your bf interested in you.


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