instagram: whiterabbit.0 the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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7 thoughts on “instagram: whiterabbit.0 the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Hey, I suppose anything can be a dealbreaker. I have to laugh a bit, because usually this topic would be the other way around (she stinks, I hate it). But okay, here we are.

    I mean… Crazy thought, but you could always ask her to NOT shower for a day or something? Go exercise and NOT clean up afterwards?? She might be willing to give that a shot?

    But yeah, I mean, if this is the smelly hill you want to die on, if you can’t see yourself with a free & clean hypoallergenic girlfriend, then… god, just don’t tell her why when you break up, alright?

  2. If she almost went home with a guy when out drinking with you what do you think she does with her friends or alone?

    I hate to put that on you and it might be just this time but that’s what ran through my mind. Even if I could get past the drunken slap and the embarrassment that would be in my mind constantly

  3. This is all noise. You need a serious conversation about whether you both want children or not. You by not have a biological limit but she does and …time is not on the side of you having kids, to be blunt. This may lead to another conversation about compatibility etc, but judging from this post these are conversations you should have had years ago anyway. Bloody hell.

  4. I agree with this. I would do what the previous comment says and then do not engage in any other attempts he makes and report them if he does.

  5. I think if you are already doubting this decision, then it is one that you are not ready to make. And that is entirely okay. If you are unsure, share that with your partner if you can. Maybe revisit this later on if you feel more comfortable with the idea, but do not pressure yourself to move faster than you are ready for.


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