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7 thoughts on “Couplexxx-latin live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Unfortunately you’ll never find a good time, it will only get worse and worse really. I’m curious if he was in this relationship with his fiancé when you were together or what. You have choices here but you also need to realize, in the future they can come back and bite you.

    Do you tell him or no, what pros and cons are there. If he doesn’t want anything to do with you and your child then what? If you go for child support, do you do it with him knowing or by surprise? Do you want your child knowing about their father or not, what happens when they ask in the future? Do you tell the truth and risk resentment or hide it further? There’s just to much for anyone but you to really factor.

    This is just my 2 cents as a male. If I was in this situation I would want to know. Right now im not wanting kids, but if this happened then I would want that responsibility. I grew up without a father, so it’s a thing for me that I wouldn’t want my kid to go through this. Sorry to say, but if you hid this from me I wouldn’t ever forgive you.

    I wish you luck OP, you’ve tried to make things right and it’s nice you care about him and his new life, but you’re not in an easy situation and someone’s going to be hurt. Good luck.

  2. The real question is why is he protecting his relationship with her by not explaining anything rather than protecting his relationship with you.

    It's really fishy.

  3. The only family member there will be my bf, her brother. It is a binge drinking party, she has thrown these before

  4. He makes you feel bad bc you are holding him accountable and he doesn't like it. What he did was in fact against the law and if he knowingly gives hiv to another person without disclosing that information, he will go to prison.

  5. If you trust your girlfriend, then that doesn't matter. If you're already questioning her and her friendships a day in then you're in for a shit time.

  6. Personally I think you need to have a frank and honest conversation with her, you need to be very clear that you need to know exactly why she left, what she has been doing for those 3 months and what made her want to go back to the relationship, no lies this time (and no, “just cannot continue” is not an answer).

    I'm not going to speculate on why she left (although it seems obvious all things considered) but I can tell you this, it will never be the same as it was before as fundamentally the marriage has changed since she asked for a split, it won't be the same for you and it won't be the same for your kids.

    The only way I would even consider staying in a marriage like that is for the actual and brutal honest truth, I'd even ask to be able to sift through her messages and social media messages to verify what she claims (and if she has nothing to hide, this wouldn't be an issue. Remember, her trust is at core of the problem) and even then I think counselling might be a good option also.

    Good luck.


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