Kristy the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Kristy, 19 y.o.


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Kristy on-line sex chat

12 thoughts on “Kristy the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. This one hurt to read op. A lot of people in the comments are being incredibly harsh but I do feel for you and understand. It can be very hot losing people when everyone else in your life has been a let down. But, if your connection to this guy is as strong as you say, you should let him go respectfully. Be straight up with him, because I have no doubt he is hurting right now too “I have feelings for you but due to your relationship I think it’s best if we go our separate ways” if he loves you, he will come back. That saying holds some truth

  2. Someone can be exhausting and controlling and still have a justified feeling, basically. OP isn't wrong for wanting to keep his friends but it clearly can not work for his partner. They're not a good fit.

  3. She’s a liar. Just end it!! This probably isn’t the first time she’s lied. This is just the first time you found out. You don’t seem to want to accept this reality. So stay and waste another year of your life or move on and find an honest person that respects you.

  4. Looks like she likes the new guy she just met. Already lying to you and will leave you once she starts a relationship with him. This is probably over but you should talk to her just in case n

  5. You need to sit her down and explain all this to her.

    Like tell her you want an adult to adult conversation, not just a father to daughter one.

    Explain that you were a teen and just couldn't manage more money until you were older, the exact same way at 25… as an actual adult… that she hasn't saved any emergency fund at all in case something like her car breaks down. Sure this isn't ideal for her, but if you didn't have her then she literally wouldn't exist in this world, and you'd rather she was here than not. You cannot change these circumstances, they are different for your small kids that they were for her, but that's just life which changes constantly. There's literally no way it could have turned out any other way at all, and she us resenting you for a situation nobody can control or change. She will also go through all these changes herself.

    Most peoples parents cannot just hand them a grand a half out of blue, but she is expecting it.

    She got a mac book for Christmas, they got promised a Disney trip. So if she's not willing to sell her mac book to pay for her car, why should two small children who've not done a single thing wrong or for her to directly resent give up their gift for her? It's not even yours at that point to give, it's their gift. Why would they do that for her when I'm betting she never got them anything or has ever done anything for them?

    She's resentful for her situation being so different, but nobody was helping me pay my bills at 25 or for my car or anything else. Its fairly normal for most adults not to expect these things. She needs to accept that your situation has changed, and that's OK and doesn't mean you wouldn't have done those things for her if you were able to at the time. Now she is a fully grown adult, not a wee kid, she needs to learn that you help where you can but she's ultimately reasonable for herself at this point in life.

  6. Have you talked to him about this at all? It’s not on him to suggest dates, you know. Why not invite him on one?

  7. I’m not sure how to ask this, I feel like how he is touching OP is almost intentionally violating her bodily autonomy as if he doesn’t realize there is a boundary there. It is a very child like behavior.

    OP, is that new behavior or was it going on before the wedding?

    I guess I’m wondering if he has had any personality changes that my indicate a medical issue affecting his mind. If he is somehow regressing into a child like state, some of these issues can start to make some sense.

    I know it is out there. I’m just bringing it up because I’m very rare cases, it has happened before.

  8. What dishonesty? She knew he did porn….did he have to go into graphic detail on every video?

    The only way it’s dishonest is if she asked detailed questions on everything he did.

    I dont get the big deal. As long as everything was consensual, who cares?


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