Shirley-Hart on-line sex cams for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “Shirley-Hart on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. How about taking a break, tell her that you have to figure some things out about yourself, experiment and make a decision according to that. You'll see if you eant get back together

  2. u/Vast_Ad4953, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. What happened with your daughter that you're rebuilding from?

    Also, is it possible your daughter mentioned filming the wax sealing so your wife helped her with it?

    It really sounds like you have a lot more going on than this once incident.

  4. Maybe start asking him weird, personal questions? Ideally, id make it clear that you’re not comfortable and will be leaving any event or gathering where those kinds of comments are made, and don’t return until he apologizes and agrees to stop then hold him to it. If you can’t do that though, try to aggressively redirect. You’re just SO concerned that an older gentleman like him could get prostrate cancer, you just NEED to know every detail about his last prostate exam. What hand did the doctor use? What lube? Ask incredibly invasive questions. Be insistent on knowing when his next exam will be. Ask him how often he ejaculates, and rant at him about the health benefits of prostate stimulation. Interrogate him on when he plans to get a vasectomy. Make him wildly uncomfortable. When he raises a fuss play dumb, and say something like “well you’re clearly incredibly comfortable asking into MY reproductive health because you’re such a loving, concerned FIL. It’s clearly a love language if yours! Just making sure I’m showing you the exact same love back!” Double down on it being his love language and just find a way to bring his weird comments back to his own medical info.

    Alternately, give him that ultimatum that if he cant let this go then he’s not going to be allowed to see you/the baby if you ever do get pregnant because you feel he’d being predatory toward pregnant women and infants. He clearly has a fetish for pregnant women, so maybe you can hold that over his head

  5. to go back to the wife when the affair partner (or love interest) backs out of the “situation”

    Us youngins call this “cushion” btw. Plan B if Plan A doesnt work out.


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